Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Room

Go buy this movie (I certainly have it). It's enjoyably bad. Unlike Shyamalan's The Last Airbender, this is so hilariously funny.

Surely it goes against all film aspects from chemistry to acting. However, it's so funny to go through every single detail.

Unlike Garbage Pail Kids The Movie, I would actually recommend The Room which is part of the list of the Worst Films Ever Made.

Watch Nostalgia Critic, Bunny and Obscurus Lupa's reviews. They're fun!

I'm not part of the cult classic group but really this movie is a fun experience.

Big Three

I am not so blind to Pixar, believing they are running a monopoly of quality unknown to many, heck even Miyazaki didn't have this kind of track record.

I do believe they are doing well and anyone, anyone can make a mistake. Anyone. Not everyone is perfect.

I will give out my Big Three or Four by extension.

Up, Wall-E, and The Incredibles. The third one is my personal favorite of all the Pixar films and could be listed as one of my (current) favorite movies.

For Critical Acclaim for a lot of people: Up, Wall-E, Ratatouille/Finding Nemo, and my least personal favorite Toy Story 3.

I make TS3 sound like a black sheep. In my personal opinion, it's the start of quality loss. I agree with Doug Walker for being a nostalgia film, but for god's sake, they didn't think it through!

There's even a whole thread in Pixar Planet just for discussion what Toy Story 3 could have done better.

Anyhow, I don't have anything against Pixar. I have a love/hate relationship with them, mainly that their popularity puts me off so much that when I actually see the movies, I judged it on its own merits than word-of-mouth. I didn't see TS3 until the popularity wears off. And I didn't think it was all that great.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Pixar's Slide of Quality

It has been well-established in my family that I have began a love-hate relationship with Pixar. My family is so enamored with Pixar that I actually felt I was the only sane person who see faults in Pixar's recent slide in quality.

YMMV, but I think the slide in quality actually started from Toy Story 3. In my opinion, it's Lion King of Pixar. It's overrated. It has many faults and I felt underwhelmed unlike the previous two films. Lion King is good but it's not great like everyone is depicting it as. People thought the quality loss is actually Cars 2, but for me, TS3.

Just hear me out.

Toy Story 3 - I have lots of problem with the film and it certainly doesn't help that it's overrated like hell. In a nutshell, too many side characters when a script can only handle an adequate amount, supporting characters turned to one-liners/comic relief, no subtlety in the end, repetition of themes & plot, not taking chances and not a really good villain with a not really good back-story. The back-story doesn't make sense! Why is he running a dictatorship if he believes that his owner abandons him? Is he trying to watch all toys to keep them safe? When the toys wanted nothing but to be freed and be loved? If he really believes that, then he would be delusional and that he wants to keep the toys safe from abandonment which the plot is trying to get across. They didn't think through the situation as well. Why brainwash Buzz when the dictatorship is common knowledge? Let Andy's toys go because a new batch of poor toys would be victims instead. Andy's toys can rally and start a war. They can do something like what happened in Schindler's List. However, I can't bring myself to actively hate it, but rather you can say I do like it just a bit because it's Toy Story. I grew up with Toy Story and the fact that I was nostalgic despite how okay it is.

Cars 2 - Turned themes on its head. Good action but like TS3 doesn't think through enough situations. I like the agents and some of the racers but the premise of the film reminds me too much not of any dangerous spy films but of the parodies.

Brave - It's eh... The only good stuff is the relationship with the daughter/mother. It would have gone with the mythos like what HTTYD did. Too rushed and too clunky (anyone observing could see the cracks of which writer want to see to which). I don't think it deserve its Oscar, BAFTA, and Annie's or any award for that matter except its beautiful animation but not its story. I don't see Merida as truly courageous young woman; she thinks she is but she's still a naive child who thinks the world revolves around her.

Then we have a prequel to Monsters Inc. The premise doesn't sound good to me. It doesn't sound like the Pixar I used to know. Why not The Incredibles? It has a sequel hook!

The premise with the later films give me hope Pixar could at least maintain face value and show everyone that they do not run monopoly of CGI animation as does Disney run the traditional. Or Miyazaki running anime as a whole. Pixar will make a mistake because everyone is not perfect (I am looking at you, M Night. Shyamalan).

On another note, Dreamworks Animation and other animation studios, heck even recent Industrial Lights and Magic are good nowadays.

This is my opinion.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Favorite Anime/Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist is my absolute favorite anime/manga. For that stupid idiotic war, I am in the middle. I like both versions but I prefer the 2003 version if I want a better pace. Brotherhood is good the animation is just too cartoony for me. I actually prefer reading the actual manga than watching the manga. They are basically lifting every single piece of the manga and just animating it.


Story - Tied

Themes/Personal Sematics - Tied

Pace - FMA & Manga

Music - FMA

Animation - FMA

The Movie (preferable to watch) - FMA: Conquerer of Shamballa

Characters - Tied

Little Number of Plot Holes - FMA:B/Manga

Sorry if Brotherhood didn't win out in the end, but again this is my opinion. Don't get me into that war because I will still answer "both". Expect me to glare at you before answering.

Right now, for those who want to know which anime I'm watching now, it's Kuroshituji: Black Butler.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Power Rangers vs Super Sentai

Gokaiger doesn't count yet.
Here's my opinion. Overall, the franchise as a whole is just okay. It does have great entries but there is also bad ones as well as mediocre. I'm not a Sentai elitist or someone who prefer the Sentai. It's the writing I want and see based from the cultural context. I research how America or Japan (I can still see the nations-tan) on its time so I can understand. Super Sentai has a strong legacy in Japan if Gokaiger was any sign for it. Power Rangers also have a history here in America although it's often disparaged as stupid with all the puns and narm. Not that Super Sentai also have narm but still PR has a rep.

I still like PR, Super Sentai, Kamen Rider and other tokusatsu shows but seriously both franchises are good, having their own charm to it that may not endear it to some people (Zyuranger to Linkara although he doesn't mind it that much; I still think he still have Nostalgia Filter in his retrospective though in comparison to JesuOtaku's Digimon reviews where she didn't have much. I know that these two reviewers know better but still sometime bias steamroller can still come. I know Doug Walker doesn't seem to like Power Rangers much, just not for him seems like. I know for sure that horror genre doesn't endear much to me and Korean dramas doesn't have much going for me...then again my cousins and brother recommended only the best they seen to me but even then I was still not interested).

Also I really want to yell at the Saban producers for their presumptuousness about the Disney Era. Yes, Disney may not be perfect handling your flagship franchise but they kept the franchise going (and there are people who put genuine effort in it so don't say you didn't have lapses of 'don't care' that Disney executives have and really don't say that you are the only ones who care about the damn franchise when there are people involved in the Disney Era who puts as much work as you did in the Saban Era) and people still love the Disney Era just as much as the Saban Era. Don't call your era the Golden Age even though yes there are some good entries in there (In Space and Time Force to name a few) but there is just as much mediocrity in there as Disney Era has just as much good in it (Dino Thunder, SPD and RPM to name a few). Just don't think that your era is the best out of everything. It's the same kind of reaction I seen out of FMA fans with the manga/Brotherhood and the 2003 anime. It's insulting to the people who work on the series and it's insulting to people who likes it. It's childish, insulting, just offensive really to the basic nature of hard work poured into it and love rewarded in return. Look you can dislike whatever you like but you cannot disregard something you think doesn't deserve to exist in spite of people working on it (there is something called 'They Just Don't Care' trope which is very YMMV so really it's up to the people who decides it to be so. I mean Code Geass, for all its many flaws, is certainly ambitious and have quite interesting characters to dive into. I try to find positives in something so negatively received because I want to be fair. For all I rant about TS3 and Brave, I can admit some good parts on it despite my dislike. Instead of ranting about sexism and all those -isms, I would focus on how the story would be told better with improved writing on the females and trans and all those progressive stuff. I mean I do like How I Met Your Mother's surreal humor but I can see its many problems and would rather see those problems erased or try to be more progressive. I want the work to be better yes but I often feel going into rants about feminism and all those -isms would only awaken a beast in me. Overall, I wanted to be nice to the writer no matter how many dubious choices they made but still I would rather give kindness instead of malice and vitriol. I am even kind to Steven Moffat no matter how sexist his writing is because I honestly want him to improve and be progressive, not the crap he believed feminism to be...really the feminism that the world thinks when really feminism is more than that. I don't want to rail on someone and condemn them at all. All I want is to be kind to others even if it means that they're 'scum'. Maybe that's why I'm turned off by Channel Awesome lately for all their easy hate for certain people and works...). I mean I feel sorry for the Megaforce actors because no matter I know they can act, they just doesn't much to work with but Megaforce still exists in PR-verse even though the writing left so much to be desired (It's too superficial a homage to their nostalgic MMPR but Dino Thunder, a Disney Era season, is a better homage to MMPR than Megaforce could ever be.). I don't like to view something that isn't meant to exist no matter how bad it may be. It may be just me and my respect and kindness but I am a realist not a cynic even though the world is really trying to make me hate everything.

There are still differences between Super Sentai and PR. Sometimes there are character development that was present in Sentai but not in PR (such as Shinkenger and Timeranger, ironically having the same head writer, have strong individual character development whereas Samurai and Time Force has some degree of character development that are either the same/similar (Tatsuya and Wes, Takeru and Jayden) or different (Kaoru and Lauren) or no (Domon and Katie & Ayase and Lucas in which I am addressing the little development in the PR counterparts whereas their SS counterparts have a lot) character development) and visa versa but I'm too lazy to do that right now so I am mostly referring to the counterparts have close adaptations to make it more easier to understand. Yes, I have seen a lot of Yasuko Kobayoshi's works adapted a lot in America and rarely they ever work like Dragon Knight from Ryuki (oh boy, Kamen Rider doesn't have much a legacy here in America and at one point I heard that Saban was going to try to adapt a KR series here and I didn't know what to feel about it after all the attempts made with clumsy writing and pacing. I know it's all in the budget but sheesh consistency would be nice. The closest to a good thing was Dragon Knight wasn't the best. Yes there are some good moments but there are just so much to work with. You adapted Super Sentai which can be dark or light depending on the series into something of your tone which was consistent in their own series so if you can do SS then you can do KR) and Samurai from Shinkenger; I seen only one of her tokusatsu works adapted well from her and it's Timeranger to Time Force. Even though you did managed to pick and choose what can be adapted into America's Power Rangers (and even then it's dark and you did choose well with Naoto/Eric and Tatsuya/Wes. Seriously, you always make it adaptation heroism here whereas Japan tends to go really dark in their kids shows...well dark when it's appropriate), you still didn't do a good job regarding the other half of the cast's character development.

Both series are still good in their own merits. It's different but it's not a bad different. Good different and should let be a lesson to purists on both side and how I really dislike the notion of purism.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Jack Frost

Jack Frost had always been portrays as an evil Christmas figure in popular culture... Does it help the fact that I desperately want an evil Jack Frost in Rise of the Guardians?

Look, I haven't even seen the movie (not until next month with The Hobbit), but I at least want the evilness of Jack Frost (brainwashed or something, but not voluntary...unless it's some sort of deal...)

Something like PGSM's Dark Sailor Mercury. I love her character.

It's just so bad that I really want Frost to be evil...and he's a water character as well, well...solidified water but still. I want to make him evil without going into the typical badly-written execution. It's all about execution for me, not the cliches. HTTYD executes it well to a degree. Toy Story 3...well...

All I just want is an evil Jack Frost, okay?

I'm busy right now. Really busy.

FR: Dragonoid

This anime is not a run-off-the-mill mecha anime, okay?

Ah... Mechas....

Machine Robots or otherwise preferably called Mechas is a popular genre. A typical mecha anime usually depicts young teenager being forced to save the world or universe, using large machine robots created specifically for combat by the government or better yet the father of the protagonist. Depending on your author, it can be a right mess or be a brilliant series. The picture you saw is the second one although I love to mock it for its overrated status (just as I love to mock Pixar for that as well).

I'm giving an introduction about Mechas...Why?

Because I'm doing a fanfic recommendation!

Yes, this recommendation would come sporadically. So, you might not know when the next one would be or what it would be. Anyways, the story here is about Dragonoid.

In this story, the dragons or robots maintained by aliens are taking over Earth. "It's been three hundred years, but we haven't forgotten the day the Dragonoids came. Now humanity has been reduced to a few pockets of civilisation, struggling to survive. But for the people of The Dome, the war will continue."

Yes, that's right. A mecha remake of the Dreamworks film How to Train Your Dragon. I absolutely love the soundtrack and highly recommend it to any music lover.

I just love this. Reviews under my username are my cousin's, not my own although some parts are to some extent.

The hard work the author puts on for the mechas just show his dedication. It's complex, more so than HTTYD. Everything was set in place first before writing. He's still writing...I think. It's not predictable and despite the fact you know the film and how mecha anime works, then yeah, it's different in its own way, a good way. Who knows what he got up his sleeve...

My Guilty Pleasures

Exactly what it said on the tin. It would be edited when I find some new guilty pleasures... Yeah. It'll be listed in how I felt about it.

Horror films, especially slasher films - I don't like any of the cult classics or even classic films such as The Nightmare in Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Child's Play, anything that relates to on-screen killing of any sort. In fact, the only slasher films I tolerate are Scream and the Saw series. I usually skip the graphic deaths, thank you very much.

Michael Bay's Transformers
- I know, I know...

High School of the Dead - As much as I told my friends I really hate it, I'm lying to myself. I do enjoy some aspects... JesuOtaku has the same feelings I had when I watched the series. My brother on the other hand doesn't care as long it's anime.

Katy Perry - I'm very embarrassed about this. I love almost all her songs despite her talentlessness. Teenage Dream is my personal favorite from her and I'm so embarrassed.

Procedurals - Despite how boring and dull they usually are, I'm more interested in how they created the crimes and modus operandi criminals chooses. If it's (too) generic, expect me to choose only episodes that dealt with characterization and plot. The only procedurals that doesn't count in this pleasure are The Wire (I can't believe I forgot to add this. Like what Oancitizen said, go watch The Wire), Criminal Minds, Psych, and Monk. Medical procedurals count as well. House.