Sunday, April 22, 2018

One Piece Speculations

Wano is coming up soon!

An anticipated island since it's name-dropped back in Thriller Bark!

After the WCI fiasco where our official tenth member Jinbei was instated as the helmsman and loads of ship tease, we're finally moving onward!

The Strawhats are finally reuniting after years out-of-universe.

The Strawhat Grand Fleet is coming back too! We're going to see the Barto Club again! And Cavendish! And Don Sai!

Seriously, this is where the Grand Fleet will make their appearance with full force since Dressrosa! The immobilization of a pirate war is gonna be great.

I heard somewhere it'll make Marineford look like a small skirmish in comparison. That's how bloody it'll get.

I wonder who was going to die?

I mean the standard fights are going to be up there. Kaido vs Luffy? Word will spread about Luffy defeating Katakuri, one of the best fighters in Big Mom Pirates.

Zoro would likely fight that traitorous shogun? We don't know who is going to fight who yet, not when more and more characters are pouring in, old and new.

I don't think this would be a Year of Zoro.

Personally, we already knew Zoro had no need of a more personal death. His personal death was Kuina whom he treasured till this day as a friend and rival.

Zoro is a simple and straightforward guy. He won't dwell on the past as much as Sanji or Robin. Like Luffy, he lives in the present. Even now, I think Luffy still thinks of Ace and Marineford, just kept it well-hidden. Literally, everyone to some degree experienced bad stuff from the lowest to the horrifying.

We don't know who or what inspired him to take to swordsmanship or his family or even foster guardians if he had any.

We don't know these details ever. We know when he was young, he traveled to town to town for matches. We know that this is the island where he grew up in and Shimotsuki was the town he eventually settled in until he left.

In terms of backstory, the irony that he will end up getting a relatively normal backstory. Usopp didn't suffer as much as Nami or Chopper.

This is what I think: a traveling swordsman from Wano and probably a relatively famous one too went to the East Blue and met Zoro. He helped him out of his situation and made Zoro the man he is today.

Maybe Zoro did descend from a line of monsters. From Wano, probably? The other two of the monster trio had monstrous lineages so why not?

However, I don't think it's anything dramatic. Luffy's backstory, withstanding the Shanks/bandits/Gray Terminal/forest debacle, was relatively normal. He was outcast from the little kids and his only friends at Foosha Village were the adults. He came from a prodigious line with a Revolutionary Leader as a father and a Marine Hero as a grandpa. Out of all the known backstories for the monster trio, Sanji's was the tensest.

I don't think Zoro's story had the need for more dramatic.

If anything else, I just wanted answers for who or what inspired Zoro to swordsmanship and perhaps his family.

Oda didn't hype it as much as Year of Sanji. So I don't think it's anything too big and jaw-dropping like Sanji's royal status.

Obviously, we're going to Elbaf. Wano is going to be a long arc so don't think for a second that we're going to Elbaf so soon after.

We don't know what island Oda is going to take us next. Remember we typically have no idea what islands Oda is going to take us next. The world he has is limitless.

If Zoro's arc is going to be around Wano, then Elbaf is for Usopp. It's significant, given how much he admired them since Little Garden and helped the Giants at Enies Lobby.

Hell, even remember Usopp's lies about defeating ten giants. I think that'll happen. Usopp had his Observation Haki at ready and at this point, I don't know what level of Observation Haki he is at.

Usopp's lies turning into reality is hilarious. It fits perfectly into the silliness of OP. I just can't wait to see more of his lies coming true. He finally got his army now at his beck and call.

GOD Usopp!

I bet his dad, Kaya, and the three little boys are so proud of him to even get that moniker! I was proud of him to receive that honor!

I think I heard from somewhere that the Moon will play an important part.

Now in the OP world, there are seven moons. Which might explain the crazy weather on the Grand Line. Not exactly since we got candy rain and physics-destroying weather.

I don't know how the Moon will play an important part.

The only thing I could think of is this: Enel and probably a Road Poneglyph is up there somewhere.

It's going to be amazing to see the Strawhats travel to the Moon. I don't know how but I think it's gonna be amazing!

Fishman Island is going to be destroyed.

Given the goals of the royal family and the signatures to relocate to surface level, you know Fishman Island is going to be destroyed one of these days.

If the fact it was almost destroyed by Decken once, you know.

The Strawhats aren't the type to cause unnecessary damage to actual islands - buildings on said islands, certainly. The Dressrosa disaster doesn't count because, at that point, the Dressrosa by the Donquixote Pirates needed to be destroyed and a new life rebuilt.

They won't cause unnecessary deaths. Luffy never willingly kills anyone. The only Strawhats who killed are Zoro, Robin, and probably Jinbei. They will evacuate everyone THEN destroy the island via Sea Kings.

Does that mean they will head back to Fishman Island at some point? Probably.

The world eventually has to figure a way to get to the New World once the underwater hub is long gone now. Blasting holes into the Red Line, maybe?

A world war is coming. Kaido starting a war, partly because he wanted to be killed and partly because he's a warmonger.

I do see it happening. There is too many stuff happening in the plot from Reverie to the Strawhats' growing list of heroic deeds to the very existence of the Worst Generation. You know it's going to be a changing world henceforth.

And I am going to eat that up. Because I love change in fiction, characters and setting. Unless you make it a point that a character won't get that change or that setting won't change its laws, I'm open to depth. I love Toph and Asami, y'know.

I don't know when the treasured One Piece will be found in the story.

There are calculating others who would be waiting for one to find the treasure and take it from there.

It's not like the treasure will be found and BOOM! The story is finished.

I don't know. It's predictable in that fashion but when the story is bubbling with political intrigue, the Strawhats saving countries left and right, a world war... The treasure seemed minuscule.

It's one way but there are other ways. At this point in time, I recall Oda can go on another decade. For love of Godoka, I seriously hope he doesn't go onto two decades because being a mangaka is hard work. He slept three hours a day. He dedicated to his fanbase and treated them nicely. I also recall that the story is 60-ish percent done.

So at least we go a parameter to go around.

And a tease of another possible decade of One Piece.

Reverie is coming up soon too. At this point, Wano and Reverie is the priority, not Elbaf or the Moon. We're going to get the third Road Poneglyph once we finished Wano and we need the last one.

Likewise in Wano where we're going to see old and new characters, we're seeing the Strawhats' friends make friends with the other, forming alliances in a fashion.

The Strawhats had political pull. While they might not realize it, they had more political pull than the arranged marriages Big Mom pulled out for her children.

The Strawhats' recent fiascos including Fujitora apologizing to King Riku publically in camera and releasing information that the Strawhats and Law were the saviors. Regardless of that, the WG raised up the bounties. The dirty laundry of the WG and Marines are going to be aired out sooner or later.

Just not right now.

I don't think Cobra is going to live much longer. He's speaking about something the World Nobles and the Five Elder Stars did not want ever. They don't want change. To keep their power for the last eight centuries, you gotta be smart and shady.

As much as I would love Vivi to become Queen, I am worried about Cobra.

So, so worried.

Not to mention, there are other kingdoms the Strawhats never met with or contacted, who had their own motives.

Just like Wano, Reverie is gonna bubble with political intrigue.

And the Revolutionaries have something to attend to.

At Reverie, maybe? We do not have a clue about what Dragon is planning since we are so far out of the loop? Sabo is obviously going to be there.

Now that we're in S3 of MHA/BNHA, we now need to know which arc will end up in.

I was correct last season about the ending of the Midterms arc.

Considering we're still dealing with the aftermath of the Hideout Raid arc (I cannot wait to see it animated and we're going to see Tokoyami's shadow all berserk!), would we be dealing with the Hero License arc?

Because we need to see Bakugou let loose his pain and see that BakuDeku battle.

The Hideout Raid arc hurts so many people, especially since we see Bakugou who admired All Might so much fear that he ruined that.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Change the Channel


This controversy has been happening.

I wasn't exactly following Channel Awesome. However, I do know about it since I actually visited the TGWTG original website. Yes, I remember visiting that website and seeing Blistered Thumbs there too. That is how far I remember Channel Awesome in my life since I was in eight grade perhaps. I haven't heard of Linkara but I heard of James Rolfe though. I heard of the Brawl too so... Yeah. I never visited cons so I never saw them either. Just yeah...

I won't call myself a huge fan of Channel Awesome. I certainly followed producers like Todd in the Shadows and Kyle Kallgren and Linkara from time to time. While I haven't followed Nostalgia Critic and I did enjoy his anniversary videos and certain reviews, I didn't get too much into it. For the record, people can still watch NC episodes because I am not going to deny enjoyment of others. I haven't watched NC for awhile now and uninterested which is why I'm surprised to hear about this fiasco.

For a website that promotes free will and speech, feminism, people of color, LGBTQ+, and other marginalized groups and loathes bad stuff like abuse and racism, the behind the scenes show a lack of respect towards women and human beings. Where things could have been easily solved by healthy communication.

Seriously, you guys gave a shit about the ongoing behind the scenes but you can't even give your own.

All of you content creators, former or current, on this fucking website are adults. Adults that are capable of themselves. Adults who should have been paid for their work and drew in more viewers, regardless of popularity.

Look I get you are having a breakdown of your making of a masterpiece. But you don't have the right to treat your so-called friends and colleagues like shit, forcing them to make a sexual assault scene, albeit offscreen, which they say are uncomfortable. Ignoring friendly advice and support when it's staring right there in the face. These people were your friends and treating them like shit is not going to do any favors. Linkara's movie actually did things that you should have done, Doug and Rob.

There is a difference between a Family Guy episode where consequences are ignored and devalued and real-life consequences. What they say in Family Guy or American Dad is not going to do it.

I seriously learned about the mismanagement and ongoings behind the scenes after To Boldly Flee movie.

I should've known that there was more to it when I heard about the Allison Pregler vs CA. Or even the Spoony incident. Or the complaints up at Suburban Knights...or Kickassia.

The glory days of TGWTG and Channel Awesome are long gone. While video reviews are still popular and yes, NC is still a major influence on such things, the fact the Walkers' reputations are colored now should be a deciding factor.

I never actually followed Channel Awesome yet I am gleeful watching the numbers drop.

I don't want Channel Awesome to be completely finished and these guys' livelihood destroyed. It might be karma due to their treatment of Allison and Marzgurl's daily life. Or not even telling the rest of the producers for killing off the flagship and expecting them to kill/retire theirs despite they are using those as revenue for bills and such.

I just want Channel Awesome to admit wrongdoings toward the people they supposedly hired and mistreated. I just want them to change.

Not to burn to the ground.

Just to change their management.

That is the main source of grievances for many producers. They went as far as putting together a list and went to a Skype meeting.

I had hoped that given these personal accounts, the higher-ups gotta do something to improve the air. I mean this is the site where the reviewers are vocal about owning up to mistakes.

They are friends. They were supposedly so closely knitted.

Now into the Me Too era, sexual misconduct/harassment/misogyny would not be tolerated. Looking at you, Mike Ellis and Mike Michaud. Sexual harassment towards your employees when they clearly don't appreciate the advances should be notable. To not even stopping it was awful because you have the power to change.

There was a reason why the movie industry, the animation industry (Dreamworks, Pixar, Disney, including John Lasseter for Godoka's sake! Not to mention Clarence and the workers at the smaller animation studios like Nick and Cartoon Network. Just look at Steven Universe's creator, Rebecca Sugar!), and so much more are going on such a massive change in the Me Too movement. This was part of the reason for Whedon's departure from Batgirl.

Now bridges burned like wildfire. Now the unprofessionalism and lack of trust were evident.

I don't think these producers have the need to lie. They even have saved screenshots of their lack of professionalism and distrust. They won't gain anything out of it since they already left the channel they used to be a part of. In fact, they are doing fine or finding something in their life. Even, Holly Brown, someone whom Michaud and the Walker Brothers fucked over, a person who worked her ass off and actually made contact with the fellow contributors on the site, not just Nostalgia Critic. She was the reason why we even got Suburban Knights in the first place! The people already left might not want the whole channel to be shut down and destroyed into oblivion.

They want it to be revamped and the superiors to own up to their mistakes. Instead of making themselves look good and blaming the victims. These former contributors want them to amend their mistakes for a better future. If not, then they can at least make aware of a cautionary tale.

Not broken promises left and right. Problems could have been easily solved had these guys actually tell their so-called friends and fellow creators to do more. Active communication instead of needless hurting feelings. Seriously, learning about what happened to Phelous and Welshy about the animation in TBF makes it unnecessary to go through that.

Seriously, I think these producers, in the light of the Me Too movement, have the right to speak out about the company's ineptitude and misconduct.

From what I gathered, Mike Michaud was the source of blame for mismanagement and lack of concern for people. Not that the Walker Brothers are doing much better, enabling their CEO's behavior or not doing much about their own behavior. At best, Doug was oblivious and careless. At worst, he's actively cruel when common sense such as having a lady who works day and night even on her days of sickness and need of a vacation and taking care of med bills.

Losing producers and creators would be the least of their problems at the rate they are going. Losing fans' support with their non-apology gotta hurt.

From what I see, these guys aren't bad people entirely. They certainly have some privilege given they are the owners of a company. However, they may act as good entertainers or have certain talent but at businessmen, they are awful. However, they got to stop treating their friends and fellow contributors, people who drew in more viewers, like shit.

These guys are supposedly friends with their former contributors yet they are complete asses towards them. I would understand poor communication but not listen to their friends' concerns and input just makes them look inept. Why destroy others who have the expertise and capability to run a business?

Now I never met the Walkers nor Michaud. Though I wish to never meet Michaud due to the stories I heard from other women. Holy Godoka, you don't have to mistreat Marzgurl or Allison or PushingupRoses like that! What gives you the right to that maltreatment?

However, just because a 20+ people have bad experiences does not negate others' good experience. I think Malcolm and Tamara have good experiences and part of the Chicago group allowed them to be shielded from the most terrible experiences Phelan and Allison received. Chris Stuckmann has no stakes so he left anyways, partly of solidarity.

I will still support the individual content creators like Angry Joe and Maven; don't forget that certain contributors chose to stay with CA for their own livelihood. They might have their own reasons for staying or potentially thinking about leaving. Linkara stayed until he couldn't stay anymore in his good conscience. Please support the other contributors barring the Walker Brothers. They aren't the issue. The issue is with Mike Michaud and the Walker Brothers.

The issue is with management and management ONLY. Criticisms should only be lobbed at Mike Michaud and the Walker Brothers for their business practices. Those contributors are not the target. Do not pressure them to leave. They have a choice in all of this. In fact, Chris Stuckmann, Tony Goldmark, and Malcolm actually reached out and talked to the former contributors.

Their 'apology' is actually a non-apology. They didn't deny the allegations but they didn't say yes either. Yet after this so-called 'apology', they blocked anyone who asked about Change The Channel movement, earnest or otherwise. Just why?

Unless you do something about management and Mike Michaud, people should be able to resubscribe back.

Do you guys really need to have a major hit on your popularity and revenue in order for you to actually get a proper apology? Karma had been hitting you for a while now but do you really want to experience the same thing that you put Allison, Marzgurl, and so many more through?

And now I heard the tenth-anniversary movie was canceled...

I should have expected that due to the controversy.

Just remember that the goal of Change the Channel movement was for the change of management and to admit wrongdoings.

Not to burn Channel Awesome to the ground and leave the Walkers destitute.

All they have to do was to admit their wrongdoings and make the first step in making a better community.

That's all they have to do.

This is not about the quality of Doug Walker's works and other shows under their umbrella (Sibling Rivalry, Awesome Comics, NC episodes, etc).

The point is management and owning up to mistakes. That is all.

Not backtracking and pointing out bad quality in effects or lack of effort in set design. That is not the point of the movement. Miss Pregler didn't do much to offer in this one either because she is quite petty about here. Some of her tweets can be pretty petty and mean-spirited. I know she left CA with bad blood but even she should be aware there is a difference between quality and managing a company, the latter of which is the point of the movement she and other former CA contributors spearheaded.

Again, management. Not opinions on quality. That is different from the goal of Change the Channel.

Not to drive off contributors which they had done with Tony Goldmark, The Dom, Calluna, Nash, and The Last Angry Geek.

Don't harass the producers still on the site. They have a choice and a reason to stay on the site. Some people might be disillusioned like Phelous. No trolling and a malicious intent to drive Channel Awesome into oblivion. Harassment and maltreatment are unacceptable for the movement going forward.

Not So Awesome For the document, either you believe or you don't. Yes, there are screenshots of Skype conversations. Does email have to count too or Sean's horrifying experience with Mike Ellis has to be on there too? Does video recordings or sound bites have been there too?

I don't hate Channel Awesome. Want to make that clear. It's just...they should know better than this...

I thought they would have done better than the people they criticized including Tommy Wiseau. I thought that these guys would actually be standup citizens to do the right thing as they always say they were and capable of and made sure they treat LGBTQ+, POC, and the disabled and the sick.

Like I actually expect them to straight-up apologize. To be the good people they always paint themselves as. To make a change that they always seemed to value.

I know that the content creators are still friends and have a flawed experience. They may have made friends and became friends for life. Some even went on to date and marry and have a child together.

For all Doug Walker and his brother criticized Tommy Wiseau, they aren't much better. I thought they would provide basic needs and allow creative input from other producers.

It's pretty hilarious that he was no better than the man he criticized. You would think he would actually listen to those who attend film school or photography. Who are professionals and studied the actual art.

I don't go to film school due to my major but common sense should be listening to those who can and will make your finished product the best you can ever make.

Walkers, please get your head out of your ass.

And Mike Michaud...

Go away.

I did not think it would get this worse. I didn't think it would be. At first, it was a movement that clearly wants the management to apologize and be the stuff these former producers actively wanted to be, professional and sincere to producers.

Give the new revelations, the Channel Awesome situation is now far darker and less amicable. It's just depressing... After these recent events, I just wanted to grab my cousin's rose wine. 

Channel Awesome posted a 'rebuttal' that tackled the issues...

Holy Woman of the Beginning! They outright called the accusers liars! That's not good at all! Don't presume malice on your accusers!

They didn't tackle the issues at all. They confirmed (Mike Ellis' departure, the harasser of so many women and one man & the sexual groomer & the contracts), force speculation (the anonymous fan's sexual groomer was revealed when that anon wanted to keep it private. I never actually watched his videos...but the confirmation....), and did not apologize for every action, victim-blaming again. The document gave a timeline too so whoever wrote and approve of gotta be ashamed of yourself that you didn't even allow privacy of the anons who wanted to keep her and her aggressor's identity private. Well so much for that wish. Channel Awesome, how stupid are you? Did you read it all the way through? Or cherry-pick whatever you deem good enough to rebut? Even if it's the flimsiest rebuttal in all known internet rebuttals to date. 

Also, the new information on JewWario is now used to smear Lindsay Ellis and Dan Olson? Get out of your asses, stupid people! It is not the point of the movement to smear both sides of the party! Or even a dead man! I know that the people in Change the Channel movement, the leaders, are flawed people and JewWario is revealed to be a rapist in all accounts but it was not the point of the movement. We are supposed to change. Unfortunately, we have to understand our new worldview on JewWario. After that narrative that was sold to us, this revelation changes everything and well... 

Certainly, JewWario's reputation is now ruined with the confirmations of so many people (Marzgurl, Holly, JesuOtaku, Count Jackula, the management...) and his friends shocked to the core. I never watched his videos but I have seen him in crossovers and the specials. Now I don't think I can stomach it, knowing the truth. 

Also, for anybody who said that the people in the document knew about JewWario's actual reasons for leaving the site, do not think of saying that these guys were lying! Just don't. Again, I know they're flawed people and there are some genuinely nice people on there too like Linkara (given how much I heard about him from Count Jackula and Erod and Marzgurl, he's respectable). Don't out the victims because that is the last thing this fiasco needs. However, saying EVERYONE in Channel Awesome knew about JewWario's misconduct is ludicrous. Cferra did not know. Linkara likely did not know. Joe likely did not know. Gonzo likely did not know, given in his testimony he wanted an online wake for the guy. I don't know if Allison knew but she clearly apologized to one of JewWario's victims for not reaching back to her for support. Count Jackula did not know either because of how long he defended the guy. If everyone were to know about JewWario's actions, it's by rumors and the people who are friends with the guy would clearly defend the guy. That former contributor who was friends with JewWario was also shocked. So get your head out of your ass because it is crazy to think that everyone in CA knew about this. 

I don't want to place JewWario on some pedestal because I don't. I don't worship actors nor creators I like. Do you see me worshipping the heck out of Oda Eichirou or CLAMP? Never. I may love them but I never hero-worship them because I know they can make mistakes and really what is the point of hero-worship? 

They attacked the women and ignored the men's complaints. Linkara was nowhere mentioned even though both he and Lindsay protested against the rape sequence. They didn't even mention Sean either. 

They failed to address and apologize for their wrongdoings. 

I don't know who wrote it or have an input on this response.

They weren't even polite. It's petty and arrogant. 

All they have to do is apologize. That's all. 

Speaking of the Chicago crew, I don't know anymore. The tweets from them seemed fishy when they were so reasonable before. Don't harass them either. Just don't. If it looks like they took a side, use your brain and logic and question what the heck is going in there. 

Angry Joe and MasakoX left, making it clear that Angry Joe could no longer support the Walkers. He's one of the biggest names and was there during CA's heyday with Brad and Sage. The senior members left are Brad and Sage.

What will finally get these guys to make an actual apology rather than avoiding the issue altogether? To make themselves look good?

These people they are calling liars have been doing just fine and didn't need the publicity. 

The loss of subscribers was dying down and people were moving forward if slightly. The movement would still be going. The fiasco was dying down.

Now CA just rekindled the fire. 

This 'rebuttal' is nothing more than an arrogant farce to save face. It's stupid too because they did not address and apologize.

On that note, please don't hurt the Chicago crew. They are good people who are being paid in comparison to Marzgurl and others who weren't paid despite fulfilling the quota and requirement. 

Remember that our goal is to make the Walkers and Michaud own up to their mistakes. Not the fact of the sexual predator's identity. With the confirmation of the chatlogs... 

Walkers, Mike Michaud...

Go keep digging up in that hole of yours. I'm sure it'll be a hard time climbing up. 

And during this storm, we got Guru Larry with the trademark Channel Awesome wackiness for levity. I am grateful for his levity in this situation because he did not blame nor hurt CA or Justin's victims or try to make light by making rape jokes. He's playing off the ridiculousness of the situation and the management. He's laughing and eating chicken, watching the heads run around as CA burned. 

Edit: All but three are left. At this rate, let the Chicago crew remain. Larry is only staying, not out of loyalty but out of sheer trolling. I'm pretty even the management knew that because Larry did not keep it a secret. Brad is still deciding apparently and ERod is nowhere. He confirmed in his last video he's staying so...I might as well see it go down tomorrow. 

Edit: Ya'know, looking at other Youtube productions who have connections to industries like JK Films made Channel Awesome look even worse by comparison. JK Films has a closely knitted team with very few people and welcoming of everyone who wants to join in. They are very professional and savvy about business. Just look at Bart and Geo's gym, Barbell Brigade for example. When they mean business, they do mean business. Look at the difference between JK's films and CA's anniversaries. While there is little storyboarding in CA's anniversaries, JK made a point to have those with experience on board. Casey went to film school! While he didn't go to the best schools like Lindsay and Kyle, he still has experience! 

Having connections and actual knowledge of how to run a business, even when money is tight, can do great things. Geo may leave JK but she is still a friend and an affiliate anyway. While Doug appeared on PBS and met stars like Mara and Greg, his business model and ethics are dissimilar from JK. 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Mini-Review: Coco

Just to make this clear: I don't put any studio above all else as some kind of monopoly. I may have a hard time, listening to any mega fan of the Disney/Pixar empire complaining about anyone who might prefer another outside of their sphere. Let people enjoy Dreamworks or Blue Skies more than Disney if they like it more. For example, I don't yell at anyone at my cousin who saw YOI according to her MyAnimeList at a 6 while she enjoyed Code Geass more. We share a distaste for Frozen; she hates it from the start and while I don't hate the movie, I am just annoyed of how much attention it gets and how glorified from an otherwise average Disney Princess film. I put Code Geass and Death Note on the same level while she prefers CG over DN.

While I don't think Pixar will hit their stride again just like they did before, I still expect good quality regardless. From what I hear, Dreamworks is on another Dork Age while Disney and Pixar are once again King of the Animation. Anime movies popular here or foreign animated movies don't seem to have the same glamor as Disney/Pixar. Not even Your Name.

On a writing level, it is a well-written story. It felt organic including the cliches. Something like a ridiculous ban on music felt organic because the character writing felt real.

There is foreshadowing in the details. For example, Ernesto expressed surprise when Miguel called himself his great-great-grandfather. In the first few minutes, we learn the story where we know the bastard musician left his family with hugs and kisses goodbye. It's been hit over our head just how much it pained future generations. So definitely not Ernesto as the forefather of the Rivera family.

Little details should stick out like alarm bells. Small but enough. I love little details such as these. It shows effort and time.

It's not perfect because there are details that can confuse the heck of people. Like had people cross over to the Land of the Dead before and permanently died there?

My sense of humor tends to be surreal and dark. I gravitate to dark comedy and absurdist. I love the McElroy Brothers for a reason. I enjoy slapstick and improvised comedy (the well-written ones or the ones that are good on the fly). The humor in this movie is pretty well-done. The delivery of these VAs is great.

I am admittedly confused about the remembering part and why Hector was being forgotten. His story is being passed down through generations, just not his picture not put up somewhere on a makeshift ofrenda. His name was never spoken although I think some people in the family know it or might not know it at all because they don't bother to know beyond the bastard musician who left the family for fame and fortune. By all means and purposes, his picture was just not put on an ofrenda. The movie made a point in having an identifier at a station for any pictures; we saw just how desperate Hector wanted to go to the other side to see Coco even if it was just a moment before he dies for good. Seriously that was all he ever wanted when he should have shuffled off the mortal coil decades ago. Speaking of ofrendas, shouldn't everyone have them, even the forgotten? I'm pretty sure that everyone has ofrendas from what I know of. The movie made it a point that the Land of Dead runs on memories, memories that can be distorted by emotion; stories have to be passed on in order for those living in the Land of Dead to continue with the afterlife. Coco was the only one who remembered Hector in life and was willing to pass on knowledge of her life with him in spite of her dementia. While the pain of the abandonment hurt the Rivera family to the point, some might know his name and refuse to say it, only saying he's the bastard musician who left family for fame.

I listened to the Latin American Spanish version of the songs and they were sung noticeably softer. Even from the most bombastic numbers are sang softer than those in the original, including Ernesto's version of Remember Me.

At least, this movie actually used the writing potential, unlike Frozen. Considering Frozen is still popping up (I saw a gift bag with Elsa and Anna on it and the new short; given the reaction to the short...people aren't liking it), Coco was a family story - a platonic love story. The song Remember Me was a fucking parental love song! Frozen is not unique and I will make sure that its place is not in the pantheon of good Disney movies. On the tier of average Disney films certainly but never ever one of the classics. Nobody is placing Coco on some pedestal just for having family as a central theme. Thank god for that. You don't see my point my love for My Love from Another Star as some kind of new K-drama. I like W Two Worlds too because the main showrunner and writer Song Jae-jung have unique and crazy ideas that just happened to involve romance where her first half is awesome but her second half just falls. Not down the drain, just lessens the impact and just moved on. W is the best part of this: up until the romance became central when it used to be called the B plot at best, the A plot usually revolves around the potential of the setting such as the suspense and no-rules in W. I was more invested in the first half of W than I was the second; when the suspense is still there in the second half, the romance became front-and-center when that should have just been the icing on the cake.

Also, I don't subscribe to the Pixar Theory. I like crossovers all the same and like headcanons. I don't even think the creators of Pixar think much of it. I always thought the references are nothing more than just easter eggs. CLAMP canon-welded their works with alternate dimensions; if there is something that definitely referenced the original, you would know. xxxHolic had the Star Staff for god's sake.

Coco has the better writing. Not to say Book of Life is horribly written. Both are still pretty great with their soundtracks and the heavy Hispanic heritage in both of them. We should be grateful to at least have some good representation at least with a good show of culture. Just in terms of writing, Coco is better. I don't even hate Book of Life; I personally went to see it myself (for a school report and when I say that I will only watch animation with the occasional breaks, I do mean it because I did not watch dare to watch any of the Disney/Pixar films) but nothing else. I like Book of Life for its simplicity. It tells a simple story inspired by the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in a Mexican setting. Honestly, my wish for Book of Life was to have a lot more Hispanic influence.

Goddamnit Funi, please release the Punk Hazard arc soon. I really want to see you tackle Dressrosa, Zou, and Whole Cake Island. The manga is heading towards the Wano arc in a few more yards. The anime is right now at the Tea Party so get your asses into gear. 

I want to see the Zosan banter and fights....and teamwork. Because I love the trust factor so much. Just look at post-Thriller Bark when the pair kept the secrecy without a single word exchanged. They just knew. Yes, there is a reason why I love this ship a lot. I know Oda knew his fans missed the Zosan banter/fights, given his art of the two together in some fashion playing around. 

I love Lukadrien and Lukanette so much. Luka is a far more interesting character than Nath. I don't hate Nath. If you ship Nathnette, good for you! Ship whatever the fuck you want. Don't care about policing ships when it is something you like. 

I really want to see more of Luka in the future.