Monday, April 20, 2020

Funko Pop Animated Movie

I don't want to make another Funko Pop post but hearing some news about this movie makes me think the movie might be a somewhat decent idea.

If people honestly believe the Funko Pop is a fad, the movie might break or grow the base.

This is only if the movie is good. I am not ruling out that it could be the Emoji Movie 2.0. Most people would want the Lego Movie 2.0.

If it's a really bad movie, then it would dampen sales for Funko Pops. While it wouldn't strike it dead - because I'm sure a fanbase is still there and the IPs will keep it safe -, the sales would go down, something a public company like Funko does not need, especially one with massive debt.

If it's good, then it might shot up sales just like what it did to Legos.

These are my questions:
  • Which demographic is this appealing to?
    • Funko Pops, while categorized as a toy, is aimed at adults and collectors. Kids can play with their Funko Pops certainly but a large audience is mainly the collectors primarily. Seriously, pumping out every day with new series and aiming it at adult collectors, given how much exclusives there are... 
    • There is some game called Funkoverse that came with various IPs. From what I heard, it's not a difficult game to learn but apparently, it offered just enough depth and innovation to keep it popular. I am not a Funko Pop fan so don't expect me to own one. From what I could gather, Funkoverse is a game for everyone and the Funkos played there is great even if the Funko Pop is just static in its pose because at least you are playing with the damn thing. 
  • Are you going to use your original IPs or the vast other IPs?
    • Freddy Funko and/or Wetmore Forest is the original IPs from this company.
    • While it's known they are going to put DC and Marvel characters in there, are they going to overload? Because given how many licenses Funko has with that ever-increasing debt...
    • Because putting too much unless you know how to balance it is not going to be a good thing. Because dating the movie is not a good thing. Just look at Emoji Movie and Wreck-it Ralph 2
  • Would it involve humans?
    • Are you? Because Funko Pops, more frequently than not, sit on shelves of collectors than actively played with. 
  • What the goal of a Funko Pop?
    • Again, this toy is aimed at adult collectors. Regardless of whether or not you are only collecting it because you like the series and/or it's the only figure that doesn't cost you lots, the toy is barely aimed at kids. 
    • For most people, even on Youtube, even for those who don't collect that many pops, it's a collectible.

At least, I know going into this musical is that it's for everyone. Heck, Hillenberg was even involved with the production and last I heard, satisfied with the results. The original VA gave the show its full support. If it wasn't for the fans and the people who support it, the show continued on in some kind of form, culminating with a televised performance which you could tell from the audience absolutely adored.

The musical reminded a lot of the Broadway version of Lion King. Stylized enough you can recognize the characters but create something to provide an emotional response. You can see the actors and can tell they put their one hundred and ten percent in it. 

It's like Lion King and Legally Blonde musicals with symbolism and imagination of the former and the feel-good nature of the latter. Like Legally Blonde, it's another feel-good musical I can listen to because it's just so wholesome I don't care what people have to say. 

Let me embrace the wholesomeness without people saying it's for kids. I'm looking at you, Freddy Prince Jr. 

Don't expect me to see even a recording of anything for the Broadway version of Frozen. I like musicals and stage plays but do not expect me to see something I have grown a distaste for. 

No matter how much I say it, Funko is no longer a toy. At least I can categorize posable figures as toys because you can play with them!

Funko is a collectible. It's not a toy. These 'toys' sat on shelves, only being played with the very young ones. And even then, most people prefer to leave it on the shelves.

And it doesn't help that Funko is pumping out more and more. Fans are gradually worried about their space in their homes to the point the more popular Funko Pop Youtubers have an office just to store their growing collection.

That's the thing.

In a movie about a collectible, do you honestly think that the vital part of what Funko is will make it into the movie?

Because the IPs will be its mainstay.

Regardless of people thinking it a fad, the IPs will remain its major mainstay alongside its cheapness. And I do mean cheap in its overall design too.

Whether or not the movie will be good or not, I just worry, especially not when Funko pop is oversaturating the market.

I will still watch this movie because I want to support other animated movies than Disney any day of the week. Don't drag me to see Frozen 2. I'll watch Klaus or the Missing Link or How to Train Your Dragon 3 but I refuse to watch any Disney and Pixar movie.

If there's going to be a Funko pop movie, then here I go, ready to watch a movie about something I was originally disinterested in but grew a dislike for because of its sameness.

I don't hate all Funko Pops, unlike my cousin who hates them with a passion. There are expressive Funko Pops like Baby Groot and some Funko Pops that don't bend to the template like aliens and animals but even then the eyes are so expressionless when the face is the most important part of the character such as Toothless and the Pokemon.

There are pops where the blank eyes work adequately such as GotG's Baby Groot and One Piece's Brook.

However, when an expression be its eyes or a smile/smirk/etc is what made it work, then the soulless eyes won't work. Just look at Toothless, Pokemon, and a large majority of Funko Pops. Buzz is the worst offender here since where the fuck is his smug smile and his little goatee looks more like a mouth?

Thank god, there's no Funko Pops of Hetalia characters. There are so few and in-between Hetalia figures and not as good as Nendoroids. I saw dolls but those are the most expensive I seen. I only saw one scale figure and that's about it in terms of full-scale figures unless you count small ones. And it doesn't feature many of the characters.

Okay, so the media in all their salty woke wisdom decided Star Wars is for boys. This stupid woke media who cared nothing but their own ego thinks they get to decide when they don't have little common sense about the fandom and just the geeky thing they are tackling.

Umm... No.

The idea Star Wars is for boys only is not only stupid but also disingenuous.

Star Wars is something geeky and only because Hollywood began taking a look at it and deciding to make the geeks a source of revenue. Because they are out of touch with the fandom and its history, they seem to deem whatever demographics based on what it looks like. They say the entire fandom has the middle-aged white guy and the occasional girls thrown in the mix and the new fans are the droves of girls the ST aimed at, specifically the SJW radicals, completely ignoring the women, POC, and LGBTQIA  has been in the fandom for just as long as these white guys. They ignored the sane that everyone can like it and that includes the girls who loved it ever since they saw it.

Look at it this way.

Shounen and Shoujo translated roughly boys and girls respectively. But women and men love the other genre just as much. Hell, even in manga for boys like Daiya no Ace, there are characters who absolutely love shoujo manga and shamelessly cry in public about it. In the fandom, Eijun and Ishiki have endeared themselves for their outspoken love for shoujo manga.

While they will target their demographic, there is no doubt Japanese manga is niche. But boys and girls still love it because they are interested in it. Shounen Jump is brutal to find any work that can grab attention and maintain that attention.

I am just angry to hear that this and that is for a designated audience and saying it's like a recent thing, twisting words for their own purposes.

I hate woke media and their effort to look like they want better for the marginalized when all they want is to elevate themselves. They can say something that is approximately rational and what people and the fandom can agree about and then went off in the world of crazy, saying stuff like Star Wars is a boys club when last I remember the fandom never ever say that. I don't recall anything that is unwelcoming beyond people trying to gatekeep stuff like shipping and certain works like Given. Did they ever try to learn Given is yaoi? A simple google search is all you can do for something you don't know.

They don't care about the women who had stayed with the fandom for years, who recognized the flaws of their favorite works but still love it in spite of it. They don't care about the fans who kept the work alive precisely just how much they love it. They don't care about fandom and its history.

Ego is all they have and they have a platform for their ego and their limited knowledge of what fandom is and just how fandom works.

Did they ever see the compilations for when the announcement for FF7R came out that men and women are screaming and crying out of pure joy?

Did they ever go to Japan where One Piece is an almost religion and the events are populated with men and women?

Didn't they see women in the audience at Star Wars screenings?

Oh, what ignorant bumbling fools they are.

It's one thing to be a fan but it's another to present yourself as the 'higher moral' person that knows everything when you don't have the inkling of common sense.

Sure, try to destroy the fanbase who have been giving money all in your pursuit of an ego trip. The wokeness in American media channels set back what is needed to be progressive while artificially created progressive. Again, on one hand, they look like they wanted the world to be better, but on the other hand, they didn't have much experience or try to understand what it meant, equating fandom hate for -isms, which is disingenuous for the world to move forward.

And we are slowly edging them out because they would later learn not to mess with a company who wants money and people who just want quality stories that just happen to be progressive, rather politics first and the story forced to revolve around it without any rhyme or reason. Don't take it the wrong way that we are regressing when they are the ones regressing.

Woke media and people, learn what it means to be actually progressive and fight for what is right than the artificial. And study because your common sense is not going even a tad bit there. And stop generalizing and denigrating, forcing a false narrative for people who either don't care or don't know the full situation. Because from what I have seen, people got the wrong idea of what is happening a lot because more often than not, the woke media always portrayed themselves as this moral person who says the right thing but at the same time denigrate and generalize their opponent in an effort to be this progressive thing.

Woke is not the way to go for being progressive and moving forward. It's more like talking the talk but not doing the walk. They can say one thing that is reasonable that people just might agree with them and then run right into crazy town with their demonizing insane rhetoric. And getting into crazy town like the SJWs and radicals in the likes of Brie Larson and the youngest fandom members who honestly believe their ship will be canon despite evidence to the contrary is not good for anybody. Including the people I just mentioned.