Monday, September 17, 2018

What I Look For In A Dub Part 2

I have issues with people saying dubs are bad overall. I wound up getting in a little tiff with a cousin of mine about this sub vs dub issue.

I want to make this clear: if the Japanese expectations/whatever is too pc for America, don't make to a clear obvious agenda to so-called better it.

There is a difference between Ghost Stories dub and a dub job to make Japanese expectations to fit the American agenda. There is a reason why the Chinese have a phrase for that during the Star Wars debacle.

The Japanese already had a hard time, making their voice heard regarding the social issues of feminism, racism, etc in the West. The American feminists tried to make anime more feminist at a horrible price because they are disregarding the Japanese feminist voice as in the actual Japanese feminist. Not the American feminist since they are more into that than the Japanese feminist voice.

At least the dub for Persona 4 was close enough but not that close to the actual dialogue because well the dialogue would not jive well with the West. The Persona series did indeed have great dubbing but there is stuff they entirely left out.

Disrespecting the Japanese voice in regards to feminism, racism, and other social issues are horrendous when one wanted to study the media there.

It's fine if they analyze story and character. But it's another if they are analyzing feminism in another country altogether.

Prioritizing any culture over another culture is cultural imperialism. It's fine to try to adjust pc dialogue that best not fit in the environment it's going to get dubbed in. However, don't disingenuously put your culture or ideals to make up for it. It's already a good thing that Persona 4 is a Japanese feminist product since it tackled issues like Naoto's issue in the workforce which does happen.

A Japanese product must be looked at with Japanese eyes. It's made for the Japanese market, no matter how much you say. Even if P5 was made more globally in mind, it's still a Japanese product for the Japanese audience first and foremost.

Do not do this, dubbers. There is a reason I avoided dubbed anime that did not translate the Japanese well or tried to make American issues/ideals a part of a Japanese product. The level of disrespect for the Japanese is horrendous when they are far more worried about diversity than the actual Japanese voice.

I mean people in the West paraded magical girls as girl power and what sorts of feminism when the Japanese feminists see them as restricting gender roles.

If an American feminist and a Japanese feminist are in the same room and discussing feminism, they will be yelling.

Seriously, Tumblr is already a horrible place to be to even discuss what I just said above when the West drove off the actual voices that wanted to be heard in the actual country the media was released in.

If Asia is going on the same path as America, wait, you American-centric worldview people.

The song just shows that this is perfect dubbing. It does help that Sonny Strait goes all out on his role as Koro-sensei and clearly enjoyed it.

I want the VAs to enjoy their roles, getting into the roles, no matter the barrier and the issues with the Japanese vs the west. Or Chinese/Korean/input any country here vs the west.

Like it's great that they're enjoying their roles.

Again, like what I said, I put the other culture and canon above all else. I would be confused when everything else remained the same as in the original. Again, I still don't get the Deku thing at the beginning of the MHA dub.

Christopher Sabat's performance of All Might is utterly amazing and it's clear he was getting into his role emotionally. I want these actors to give it their all.

Even if the dub was horrendous, the actors could be a saving grace with all its hamminess.

A bad dub job, in my opinion, would have these criteria:
  • Prioritizing own morals and ideals over the actual product. Do not replace or try to even make up for what you consider pc in western society. Translate as best as you can into what the West can take. Look at the Persona series' dub as an example. Yeah, this is the top considering factor for a bad dub in my opinion. Whatever dubbing doesn't make the product any more feminist when you have the original. Again, let the product speaks for itself rather than changing it radically to fit your agenda. When the PR Samurai looks better in comparison even if they did not translate well into Western media, you are doing it wrong. Do not dismiss the original just because you don't agree. 
    • The reason why the Hetalia dub is a bad dub, in my opinion, is because of the misinformation and the placement of jokes that did not exist in the original but clearly made with Western presumptions. It's not the same thing as Chie's arc in P4 where certain pieces would not go over well in American feminism but will in Japanese feminism. However, in the localization, P4 was successful in maintaining as best as they can while omitting details. 
  • Failure to consider the context of canon (i.e. characters and plot/story). I nitpicked about the alternative reading of Deku but that's pretty small in comparison to denying the canon. This isn't adding dub-only stuff like some Pokeshipping stuff. That's small and doesn't hurt the product in any way. I'm talking what hurts the product when you have the original. Even if you didn't like the canon, you can't change it when the original exists. This doesn't also account for slight personality changes. As long as it doesn't hurt the canon, then it's fine. For example, Yuuri Katsuki's reactions and tone changed from the original and the dub but it's small and doesn't hurt the story and characters at all. 
    • Dub-only stuff like add-ons is less than you think. As long as it doesn't affect the entire canon, then it's good. 
    • Some plotholes due to dub-induce info are on a gray area. As long as it doesn't affect the story and characters too much, then I guess it's fine. However, if later an add-on effects, it's strange. Listen, I get Early Installment Weirdness where people are now roaring for consistency when the people writing it did not know what to do and experimenting what would do well with the public. I'm sure it's great to have a plan moving in but when it's TV or something meant to be longer and developed as it goes on, they should have that leeway at least. 
  • Dull acting. I'm not talking about monotone or deliberate under/overacting. I'm talking about actual dullness that has an apparent lack of effort. It is the lack of effort, disregarding intentional bad acting, was what takes it out for me. 
    • I won't mind actors having fun, knowing they are in a bad movie. I loved Hugh Jackson's acting in Pan and even Jeremy Irons' performance in Dungeon and Dragons precisely because it's great. It's great they are having fun at least. There are also those who take a bad film seriously like Dev Patel in The Last Airbender or Batfleck or Gal Gadot in BvS and Justice League. I admire their attempts to act in a script that did not offer them much to work with. Hell, I don't mind them acting far worse because they know they are in a bad film like the entire Twilight cast. The cast except Tommy Wiseau knew they were in a bad film and phoned in their performance. 
    • I'm talking about directors forcing actors to not emote or overact. 
I consider the sub vs dub conflict so trite because I am far more concerned about the aspects from the original - expectations/whatever - that could translate into the west.

This goes for any adaptation. I'm kind of looking forward to American adaptations of My Love From Another Star. No idea why I'm even anticipating such a release but I am.

Probably I'll make another post for adaptation at least for me. 

Banana Fish just seemed ripe for dubbing. It takes place in New York for god's sake just like Baccano. The anime did take a while to get off the ground because the manga was released in the late 80s to early 90s and you need to know its audience besides the crime thriller genre. I know BF will be under fire in America, especially Tumblr where the self-righteous backward superiority towards all things reality and inability to deal with fandom maturely. Yeah, I am not anticipating that because I want to enjoy BF while also acknowledging its flaws. People are pushing that the flaws are the thing that should stop people from watching or enjoying a piece of media entirely. No, it's not. Like I said, all in the end, it's a piece of media that you can just avoid entirely or just take a break if you don't like it. As for me, I just want to enjoy the thing instead of people hoarding me about flaws that somehow must be the thing that stop me from even enjoying it.

Remember in part 1 where I was surprised to not hear a dub for Osomatsu-san? Well, I'm surprised now hearing plans for it. I hoped to anyone up there that the dub doesn't wound up like the Hetalia dub. If it does, even if the genre is a gag anime, then I won't have any sympathy for them.

Also, let me enjoy a really good movie here. Seriously, Jesus, Bro! is a far more superior and an actual Christian movie than anything Pure Flix and Kirk Cameron spits out.

And this is the same person who enjoyed the Channel Awesome anniversary movies. Admittedly, I found Jesus, Bro! on a higher scale with the ATFW Movie than the CA anniversary movies. I have that opinion for a while especially since I seen the ATFW movie and Jesus, Bro! before the CA fiasco even began. Remember, my first CA anniversary movie was Suburban Knights.

Now I'll probably give a personal opinion on the outcries about assholes who wanted to make a change and are seeking forgiveness. Let's make it clear: there will be people like that, murderers, rapists, etc. However, there are those who are unrepentant about their crimes.


Allison Pregler isn't likely to forgive the Walkers and Michaud any time soon or in the future.

There are murder victims' families who refused to forgive the murderer who took away their loved ones. And there are ones that do.

We cannot speak for the people who chose to forgive or not.

This is a major problem I had at large with many people who say we cannot forgive assholes. When the victims and we don't really have to forgive them.

I'm not negating their bad experiences and the perp's actions. What I am saying is that we don't have to forgive them.

I'm never been sexually harassed or have a family member murdered. I have family who verbally abused me but I forgave them. For reasons I will not disclose to you all because this is a personal issue and I refuse to put any more personal info out.

I cannot speak for the victims' families who chose the thing they do: forgive or not. If they chose not, then it's okay. If they chose to, then it's okay too.

Yes, I have to say something and this is probably a controversial opinion too in the era where assholes are rightfully condemned including the assholes who genuinely turning a new leaf.

The victims don't have to forgive them.

I have no illusions about a criminal or an asshole's past. I have no illusions about a fictional character's past. I have no illusions about someone's beliefs that are definitely bigoted. I have no illusions about anybody's behavior and past.

The victims don't have to forgive them. As outsiders, we don't have to forgive them.

This is basic human nature. There will be unrepentant assholes and those who do genuinely regret their actions and tried to do better.

Even if this criminal did something good later on, the person can still choose to hate them and will not forgive them for taking away their loved ones or hurting them so much.

Designating things black and white is bad and should not be done. In this current climate, such a mindset is toxic to view in a white and black lens.

There is no questioning about oppression and past history of bad stuff. That is not the point of this rant.

The point is: The victims and their families and outsiders don't have to forgive the criminal who ruined their lives or hurt them cruelly.

For me, I'm just exhausted about the gloom in the world. I'm just exhausted that I even have to state this opinion at all. I don't want to be apathetic but I also don't want the pervaded sense of doom.

I don't want the world to end horribly. Maybe in the future, Earth would be destroyed and would not be habitable for human life anymore.

I just want a world that just has the glimmer of hope. A hope that people can get along, nations, religions, people of color, LGBTQIA+, intersectional feminism, diversity, acceptance is embraced. That such a hope existed is what I wanted the world to have, not the misery.