Happy thoughts, Kaoru, happy thoughts.
I really hesitate to put on Daiya no Ace as the opening pic or video. I can do better than Yuji Terajima (I refuse to call him sensei now because his horrid writing nowadays just want to make me drop it but because Sawamura is the only reason why, flawed and sweet Sawamura, to not drop the series no matter how bad the downward spiral is).
To be sure, even mediocrity is even better than what DnA devolved to. I would love to think Part II would be even better or to be at least decent or even mediocre/average but it's not. It's bad to see how Sawamura is treated, even by a character who is known to be kind and soft-spoken and one of the few characters who treated our main protagonist with the kindness that others didn't reward him for all his hard work. We are told of Furuya's power-ups but we were never shown anything worthy to note. These characters are from a powerhouse school and they should know better that Furuya's official stats and ERA is terrible alongside with his poor openings and sportsmanship; Furuya's a second year and he had not improved. It's bad to see how much Haruichi to suddenly lose his skill on BATTING when that's his strong point established in Part I; if you want to show a somewhat bad skill improved into a good one, you could do the fielding since you focused a lot on the batting on the first part. Just what in the name of Godoka and Man and Woman of the Beginning are you doing?! What Miyuki putting down Sawamura? Miyuki is a kuudere and has a hidden soft spot for Sawamura, the only other person beside Chris he can allow to be himself. Miyuki, the one person who found Sawamura to be interesting, is putting down his favorite pitcher in favor for the Creator's Pet. All of the OOC and insane troll logic application make me want to yell at the poor community dogs around my neighborhood and I love those dogs. And throwing street signs and public property into the air, accumulating debt but whatever.
Help me, Russia! |
Just like I wouldn't put too much money on Bleach and Naruto's arcs, I wouldn't put much money on any consistency that real baseball fans who can take their suspension of disbelief for since the series is realistic to a degree. A nation who loves baseball would point out what's wrong when official stats are there for all to see and what the series have shown to be really bad.
Look, diehard DnA fans, you can like whatever you like or see a character in a different light but when the construct of the story is falling apart in its new logic especially once you took in official records and what is happening in said games particularly with Furuya and Miyuki and everyone in Seidou but Sawamura, you should know better. The story is heading toward a disappointment that the series is devolving into.
You know at some point I was thinking of doing a fusion of Kamen Rider with Daiya no Ace. I was actually thinking of actively killing off Sawamura so that when all the characters realize just how much he had done for them, Rider or not. I was actively thinking of making Sawamura leave in some way either as a space god or just plain dead to get my point across to these unappreciative Seidou team AKA Terajima but Terajima does seem to hate his own MC even though the MC is the reason why many chose to go along with his laughable insane logic story. Furuya is comparable to Micchy except Micchy realized his wrongs and atone for them, being the lone Armored Rider of Earth. If it's that bad that I think putting together a show that's known to be dark and serious to the point of tragedy with a work that's about sports in a realistic setting but nonetheless have no tragic setting on par of Gaim or Ryuki or Black to the point I was willing to kill off a character who is my baby of the series. I even wanted to send out a letter to the mangaka to kill off Sawamura at this point because of his horrendous treatment of him that even those who bashed the characters would feel the harshness. You know what, even those who bashed characters, that these people show less creativity than you Terajima, love wherever their fic came from. Yeah, I pulled Insults to Rocks trope and would that show how much I despair of the sports manga/anime lately. Hell, if I wanted to kill off Sawamura, I would let him get his revenge a la Sound Horizon's Marchen even if it's OOC and it's basically bashing characters but what I wanted to do is call them out for their inappropriate behavior towards their Ace. I want them to be regretful towards their Ace all along that their insults towards his character, a character who improved in taking loss and behavior. He may be stupid but he's not brain-dead that Terajima tried to push. By god, Sawamura is serious on the field and he would do anything to win a game for his team and played with his team. Remember the first game we saw Sawamura played in the first chapter/episode of the dang series, he was completely serious even if his team on the losing end, make that losing streak. I just wanted to cry when this serious boy slipped, fucking slipped!
Sawamura is not perfect. He's loud and annoying. His personality traits are blatantly there and emphasized excessively by the characters AKA Terajima. Yet he works hard and gets results. You cannot turn a blind eye to progress. If there are athletic teachers who do this and put down their students for their personality rather than for progress, then that teacher's horrible. You cannot turn a blind eye to hard work that ended up not getting rewarded. If I was actively thinking to kill off Sawamura so that these characters would be back to their original characterization, then you know it's bad that I am thinking of killing off my baby of the series. I didn't even think to kill off my babies in other fandoms.
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You too, Shizuo. You help me get my point across! |
Even though the road I am heading on the DnA manga route is leading to disappointment, at least I got loads of other series that no matter how mediocre/average/decent/good/great they are those works got better writing than what DnA is right now. I just want to cry in despair and rage whenever I read the new chapters, yelling at the poor logic and development when the first part at least established logic that's realistic enough to understand and development are decent, throwing street signs and vending machines like Shizuo Heiwajima. The original second Yugioh series has much better writing than DnA even though the whole franchise is full of absurdities. They're both game anime but if I were to choose, I would prefer YGO rather than DnA nowadays. Seriously, YGO has better logic and development in later arcs than Part II in the whole. DnA would have been my choice if there had been better writing but the insane logic, especially for a realistic setting, is so frustrating. At least YGO has the excuse of being over-the-top even though later installments deconstruct the foundation in spite of sloppy writing. Arc-V is the closest I have seen for a very brutal deconstruction on par of Gen Urobuchi of YGO yet. Even from the many episodes of the original YGO, it was absurd although Narm Charm kicks in and maybe that's what attracts me to it. I didn't say I dislike the original; it's after all that got me watching YGO after all. It's just some subplots go nowhere, characterization goes nowhere and didn't exactly live up to its potential...well to a degree but in comparison to later installments, those took it to a whole new level and have better writing. YGO the original anime series, the second one, is average in my opinion.
By the way, I don't drop works no matter how bad they're getting. I usually put them on hold and until I'm interested in that again, I would finish where I had left off. I have a love-hate relationship with Disney and Pixar nowadays and I still watch them while avoiding praise/criticism to teasers and misc. Frozen is definitely not my favorite but again if I were to choose between Frozen or DnA, then DnA because at least there's effort...on the wrong details sure but at least there are things to like, however small. Same could be said about Frozen but it's too small and I just wished more effort and coherence could be made in an otherwise flawed but enjoyable film. My cousin hates the movie and she and I love to rant about it while still respecting those who like it. Again, I don't hate Frozen and the virtues drilled into my head in school like respect and kindness overcome any kind of negativity in me. I'm the Switzerland of my family, taking a neutral stance. Hell, even in high school when there's a debate in my Government class, I took the middle of the room and the only one besides another person that stands for agreeing and disagreeing with both sides. Though I am not gun-happy as Hetalia Switzerland/Vash.
Daiya no Ace used to be good with development for loads of teams, individually and together. Now the series devolved into the mangaka's favorites, warping characters to OOC, ignoring logic and canon that he previously written to fit whenever he feels like it. I am not saying that he has no right to his story but when his manga is losing popularity despite its many advantages, he really should have known better.
Please, Godoka, get rid of my despair! |