Thursday, February 2, 2017

Trailer Review: Beauty and the Beast Final

I want to do something happy for once. Trump is shaving years off my life day after day that I am just writing.

Now I don't mind the live-action adaptations of the Disney classics. I haven't watched Jungle Book yet but I heard it was good. At least Disney is listening to the previous criticism aimed at their earliest released of the Disney live-action adaptation of their classics and by that, I meant Maleficent and not 101 Dalmatians.

I really don't mind it at all. I mean Disney is a company that will not die by bankruptcy anytime soon. I just have the thought they are just doing this for the sake of money or some kind of shame for their classics. I love Cinderella 2015 and I sincerely hope that the future adaptations would do well.

...If there is a live-action adaptation of Frozen, I refuse to watch it because that is how much the movie annoys me unless you strap me down or bribe me with my favorites to watch it again.

I don't mind the casting although Ewan McGregor's accent for Lumiere is funny admittedly. I hope they know they have big shoes to fill. Although there is also the Broadway to see too. I did hear that Alan Menken came back to write new songs and I hope those songs are just as good as the Broadway additions.

I think the trailers imply that this movie will be a musical. I saw they kept the "Be My Guest" number and Emma Watson's singing. That's a surprise; Cinderella 2015 only has "Lavender's Blue" and I don't think the Jungle Book and Pete's Dragon are also musicals too. Is it because BatB is famous for its music? I know that the music is perfect and has an economy that musicals should have and Frozen failed to do because the story cannot be followed through the songs in that movie.

Speaking of the music, you can hear the famous title song sung by Ariana Grande and John Legend. It's nice...nicer than the Celine Dion and Peabo Bryan version anyways. Better chemistry I think. Grande is an unpolished Mariah Carey and didn't have the great songs yet but she have to grow out of the little sphere she's in first before she can get out there and WIN. John Legend is talented for sure.

I hope the romance is just as well-portrayed as well as the other characters. I noticed in the trailers that Emma Watson has the same breathy performance as Lily James. Not that is any bad; just something I noticed.

I have a soft spot for romances, shoujo, and the likes. Why? Because there is just something so sweet and comedic that can come from romcoms. It's sappy but I love it. Why else do I love YOI's reveal in Episode 10? Or any fanfics that use romcom or shoujo tropes for their pairings? It's honestly too cute for me to resist. I love Makoto Shinkai's works too despite the bittersweet endings.

Yes, I will see the movie either way. While Cinderella is one of my favorite films and fairy tales, I still enjoy fairy tales and would enjoy any reiterations. I do love Robin McKinley's retellings.