Friday, December 20, 2013

Major Arcana Tarot Cards

Welcome to the Velvet Room.

I love anything related to mysticism and paranormal. Not a huge fan of ghosts or ghost stories but they are interesting enough to spark attention.

Persona is very well-known for its tarot cards, especially its Social Links. It represents the characters and monsters very well. Sure they didn't run with the idea until Persona 3.

So if anyway want to know the accurate meanings of the Tarot Cards, please look below. I would only look at the 22 Major Arcana Cards.

The Fool
Upright: Endless possibilities, Beginnings, energy, force, optimism, overturning status quo by unexpected happenings, important decisions to be made, innocence, naivety, creativity,

Reversed: ill-advised risks, impulsiveness, foolishness, start of something new but never finished, seek changes consistently

The Magician
Upright: self-motivation, initiation, wit, potential, risk-taker, determination, want to achieve something and self-power to do so, have the power to do the first step

Reversed: confusion, hesitation, inability to use talent or potential, giving up easily, poor communication, learning difficulties, lack of energy, corruption due to power, manipulation

The Priestess
Upright: intuition, wisdom, secret knowledge, female mysticism, mystery, common sense, potential that can't be reached

Reversed: lack of above, suppression of femininity, superficial, not what it seems

The Empress
Upright: motherhood, allowing things to flow naturally, security, stability, natural growth

Reversed: difficulties of above mentioned, lack of affection, poverty, smothering, unable to let things flourish on its own, pushing things ahead too much

The Emperor
Upright: control of life, competition, forceful development, authority, responsibility, self-assertion, masculinity, maintaining power over a situation, fatherhood

Reversed: dictator-like, exaggeration of above, loss of power, manipulation, immaturity, weakness

The Hierophant
Upright: wisdom to others, taking what already know and apply to reality or share to others, solution to problem,

Reversed: unwilling to let others teach you, stuck when refused to listen to wisdom, 

The Lovers
Upright: love, passion, bonds, choices, duality, harmony, union, commitment, abstraction, struggle of two paths

Reversed:unwise decision, contradiction, deception, disharmony, indecision, 

The Chariot
Upright: two conflicting energies in harmony to make a goal, triumph over adversity, overcoming life's obstacles, well-deserved victory, self-control, effort, perseverance, working with boundaries of life to build success

Reversed: lack of unity, recklessly running over everything to reach goal, envy, greed, loss of control of life due to personal flaws, imbalance, destruction, warning against ambition/high expectations, old-fashioned habits and traditions not overcome

The Justice
Upright: ideal type of justice, decision based on facts and not on emotions, balance, realism, result of decision important, legality, clarity, fairness, straightforward choice, arbitration, triumph over prejudice and bigotry

Reversed: decisions based on emotions, imbalance, corruption of justice, injustice, inequality and bias, delay, unfairness, complicated negotiations

The Hermit
Upright: caution, discretion, prudence, counsel sought and taken, need for inner resource, planning, assimilation, wise/spiritual mentor, reflection,

Reversed: refusal of counsel, immaturity, isolation, negative resistance of help, suspicions of others, imprudence, bad habits, nonproductive, reliance on one's inadequate resources, 

The Wheel of Fortune
Upright: unpredictability, sudden change that is out of your hand, best to let things flow fluidly, use opportunities when you can control your fate, resistance is wasted if you don't allow things to flow, effortless success, luck, coincidences

Reversed: useless struggle or setback in life, unexpected bad luck, unexpected interruptions, delays, difficulties, 

The Strength
Upright: inner strength, know inner desires and keeping them in check, understanding yourself and use to push forward, inner female empowerment, courage, self-control, control of passion against one's instincts, determination, generosity,

Reversed: not keep desires in check, suppressing too much, power misuse, defeat, lack of willpower, inadequacy, surrender, tyranny, concession, inability to act

The Hanged Man
Upright: devotion to worthwhile cause, temporary suspension of progress, flexibility of mind and willingness to adapt to changes, sacrifice to reap benefits, rebirth, waiting period, transformation

Reversed: lack of commitment, loss, preoccupation with selfishness, drawbacks to preference from status quo, oppression, apathy in pursuit of goals, failure to act to move forward

The Death
Upright: actual death, endings and beginnings, rebirth, transformation, change, end phase has purpose, abrupt change due to past,

Reversed: dragged beyond its 'lifespan', change that's painful, refusal to face change, agonizing changing transitions, inertia, lethargy, mental/physical/emotional exhaustion

The Devil
Upright: money or material wealth, sexuality, lust, obsession, knowledge of one's needs, desires, and wants, security vs creative fulfillment

Reversed: greed, abuse of authority, uncontrolled ambition, emotional blackmail, severe forms of above

The Tower
Upright: disruption, change, sudden violent loss, ruin, disturbance, dramatic upheaval, repercussions of actions, enlightenment, freedom,

Reversed: negativity, restriction of desires, less severe forms of above mentioned, change that rob individual of freedom of expression, changes out of control of individual

The Star
Upright: hope, optimism, enlightenment, something out there good for you but need to look for it, broadening of horizons, promise, inspiration, influence, vigor, confidence, protection

Reversed: dwelling too much on negatives, distraction from above, self-doubt, stubbornness, unwillingness to adapt to changes, lack of trust, obstacles to happiness, inability to express, rigidity of mind

The Moon
Upright: Deception, illusions, anxiety, subconscious, irrationality, uncertainty and fears caused by imagination that sometimes results in personal depression, but in turn strength of turning fears into inspiration. Also signified a fine line of genius and madness. Loss of control of life

Reversed: Giving into fears, confusion, exaggeration of above, insincerity, inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, escapism of fantasy from reality, inability to tell the truth, despair, desperate need of help

The Temperance

Upright: combination, cooperation, coordination, innovation, diplomacy, maturity, balance of temperament (harmony and balance), ability to adapt to changes

Reversed: imbalance, volatility, poor judgement, fickleness, conflicting interests, stress, restlessness, instability, trying to combine too many/wrong elements at short expense of time

The Sun
Upright: contentment, happiness, success, good health, material happiness, vitality, reward, acclaim, approval, abundance of energy, achievement, joy

Reversed: troubles, diminished of above mentioned, broken, difficulties, failure, hyperactivity, arrogance, vanity, delayed happiness, misjudgment, autism

The Judgment/Aeon
Upright: final call, rebirth, redemption, putting past behind, self-reflection, learning from past mistakes and becoming someone new, absolution, free of negativity, decision and finding the right path, major change that can be controlled, changes, improvement, satisfaction to a period of life, awakening,

Reversed: holding too much to the past and avoiding the path to move forward, stagnation, loss, separation, guilt

The World
Upright:completion, achievement, fulfillment, shift of one journey to the next,

Reversed: setback to accomplishment, lack of closure, frustration, inability to bring to a satisfactory end, lack of trust, hesitation

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Character Analysis: Kotetsu T. Kaburagi

Oh, Kotetsu.... So very dignified on that animatronic...

Kotetsu of Tiger & Bunny is a very popular with good reason.

He as said in this character study is "a wonderful man, kind to a fault, breathtakingly courageous, inspiring in his determination, and the very definition of a hero". However, he had his flaws, so subtle, that only the most astute observers can see that the writers intend. I don't mean to insult fans who watch the anime but really it's very subtle. This show has take the "show, don't tell" principle to heart.

I have an account in LiveJournal but used to have a Dreamwidth account. I always wanted a fanfic that analyzes the character of Kotetsu so I made this prompt, using Persona as a base. There are certain fics I can name that can see his darkness that he obviously repressed and certainly never show to his friends who always love him. It's acknowledgement.

People made him a saint so much so I cringe. There is one thing to be a messiah and a paragon of all that is good but he's not perfect. He's human and that's what Tiger & Bunny does best.

How lonely...

Kotetsu, when I see him in-story, doesn't seem to know himself well. He understands others but he refuse to allow people in. It took his brother after much pressure to tell him what's wrong. If even his own family doesn't even know about his problems, how about his friends? Why else did I suggest that prompt in the first place? They don't know either. While his family has a basic idea of his recluse, his friends always seem to put him on a pedestal.

Even though Antonio is aware of his family, he never tried to get Kotetsu or break him out of his shell. Never had we seen anyone trying to break Kotetsu's shell. His friends seem to actually expect him to at least talk to them as he did with Barnaby.

He had self-esteem issues, perhaps moreso than Ivan, because of the time. Back then, NEXTs are prejudiced. If it weren't for the efforts of HeroTV, the NEXTs wouldn't be able to get the recognition. This issue wasn't resolved much. Aside from that considerably, the movie shows he still feels useless in comparison to Golden Ryan (I know the costumes that the Heroes wore are impractical but this!). He may now think he can tell his friends and family the truth but not his own personal issues to an extent.

He's a great actor, always smiling and joyous, tricking friends and family who loved him. He deceives himself to be happy during the ten month time skip after episode 13 to the point he thought he had a power boost. He craved for recognition but never admit to it. He resented Sky High (and the other Heroes possibly) for actually being the hero he wants to be and having the public love them. No matter what he did (buying cards and forcing them onto other heroes' fans, down-to-the-earth), his efforts always fall short. He's unaware or in denial of his own desires that he wanted his friends and family to see to them as he did to theirs.

Nobody really took him seriously, which is what he wanted. He put on that face so people would think less of him thus won't bother with him. His friends seen him as a bumbling but fantastic man who only took the job to save the people.

Upright: Deception, illusions, anxiety, subconscious, irrationality, uncertainty and fears caused by imagination that sometimes results in personal depression, but in turn strength of turning fears into inspiration. Also signified a fine line of genius and madness. Loss of control of life

Reversed: Giving into fears, confusion, exaggeration of above, insincerity, inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, escapism of fantasy from reality, inability to tell the truth, despair, desperate need of help

They never seen his true self.

It's a deception that Kotetsu took to an extreme degree because of his own personal problems that never resolved. He can smile genuinely sometimes but really I found most of the time it's fake. The writers practically confirmed this that he was on a verge of depression before he had ever met Barnaby. There's no doubt he would follow Legend's footsteps regardless. I toyed with the thought of suicide once or twice for him but the only thing keeping him there was love for his daughter and wife so that's out of the question.

Really, if it wasn't for the fact he loves being a hero, friends and family, he would be a nihilistic character.

None of his friends hardly knew his life or anything truly about him outside of being a Hero. That was made his friends think he's a criminal in the first place when their mind was wiped. It already horrified them enough they thought he was a criminal but it would be bad enough for them to learn Kotetsu's true feelings.

On the previous character study, Kotetsu is his own worst enemy so I just need him to face his Shadow, his true self. It's too good to pass up Kotetsu's Shadow Self as Ebisu. Persona series is such a good use of that since they use Jungian Psychology ("Shadow" and "Persona") so well it meshes perfectly with the urban fantasy and slice of life. It's just a damn good series of games in so many respects.

For those who are curious, I been assigning Tarot Cards to every character that gets developed to the point I can assign it to them. In stories, if they ever appeared, should they be Persona-users or Social Links. It gets me into practice to use the accurate representations of the Arcana when many works got them wrong and I am staying true to their meaning after all.

Character - Arcana

Kotetsu T. Kaburagi/Wild Tiger - The Moon 

Kaede Kaburagi - The Hanged Man 

Barnaby Brooks Jr./Bunny - The Sun 

Keith Goodman/Sky High - The Star

Karina Lyle/Blue Rose - The Lovers

Pao-lin Huang/Dragon Kid - The Chariot

Ivan Karelin/Origami Cyclone - The Strength 

Nathan Seymour/Fire Emblem - The Empress

Antonio Lopez/Rock Bison - The Emperor 

Yuri Petrov/Lunatic - The Justice 

Ryan Goldsmith/Golden Ryan - The Magician 

Edward Keddy - The Temperance 

I chose Kotetsu, Kaede, Barnaby, Pao-lin, Keith, and Yuri's without a problem. I have more trouble with Karina, Nathan, Ivan, and Antonio's (especially Antonio). Karina, I have a selection of the Lovers and the Magician. Nathan, I have the Priestess, the Lovers, or the Empress. Antonio, I have no idea. In the end, I decided that the Empress does certainly fit Nathan more than Lovers (he's comfortable in his own sexuality, choices, and duality while Karina have trouble with the latter two). The Empress represents things to flow naturally and motherhood in a general sense. Barnaby's Tarot Card, I chose for reasons and not because Kotetsu and Barnaby are opposites of each other does warrant the need.

At some point, I thought of choosing the Strength for Antonio but it fits Ivan more. The Temperance didn't seem to fit Ivan. Antonio, because of how little he's developed (to add insult to injury, he doesn't even have a spotlight episode alongside Nathan but even Nathan has more development than him), I have no idea what to choose for. The best I could think of is the Emperor Card. I am still laughing because he's now the opposite of Nathan and the T&B duo is opposite of each other. Both of each has a lot of homoerotic subtext in-show. However, if you have different ideas, you can tell me on the comments below.

Added Ryan and Edward onto the list for the sake of my sanity really. I decided to give the Temperance to Edward; certainly fits his actions in Origami's spotlight episode. It's a given he's going to be a Hero one day by Ivan's side. Ryan, on the other hand, didn't have enough info but I can still make an assumption based on the trailers and his seiyuu's interviews.

I am a Shadow, the true self...

While I can analyze a character, for my own life, I cannot write a fanfic about that. I am such a detailed person that I always checked my stuff beforehand. For writing characters, it's kinda difficult for me since I'm not sometimes sure kept them in-character. It's worse since I have no idea how they are going to react. I am better off writing AU anyway; I can put them in the same universe somehow while switching up some things, using their canon actions as a source to help me with the characterization.

I can make an adventurous story with character development on the side but in a character study in a fanfic, I will go more on explaining the character, telling straight up to the face in concise words. My specialty is more on adventures. I tried romance before and it ended horribly. So I just decided, romance on the side, friendship/family is the most thing on this. No, I am not doing something like One More Day when I even think that Mary Jane should be shot instead of Aunt May.

Anyway, I hope you can see why Kotetsu is such an interesting character to analyze. For all that he is seen to his friends and the audience, he's still human.

Christmas Eve Date! (Christmas is when they spend time with Kaede and the rest of the Heroes) and Christmas Eve does have romantic connotations in Japan...

Oooo, there's one more thing. There's no way in hell am I ever making Tiger the uke to Barnaby's seme or visa versa. Again, there's no such thing; don't be a preteen brat. Real-life relationships aren't like that. I have enough trouble seeing strong male characters wimpified to make the seme look better.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Favorite Show: Avatar: The Last Airbender

This is a damn good show.

Not only there's good humor and creativity, there are good characterization and plot. The characters are very well-developed, giving each character a spotlight especially since we are dealing with kids in time of war. The plot is great as well, having each character impacted by the Fire Nation's doing. They show a sense of maturity in the issues they tackle such as war. The humanity in the show is its greatest point. The emotional yet awesome moments were one of the greatest moments in the series.

It also has a very perfect payoff in the end.

The research is very well-done of the cultures and translation. I fell in love with it partially of its respect. However, this is just the tip of everything that is great about this show.

Doug Walker loves this show to even putting it in his top shows now. It is a much-watch show.

The movie, on the other hand, is a downright failure almost from the start. Everything that is good about A:TLA is sucked out as well including the humanity and maturity in favor of telling the story. I would allow other reviewers especially Nostalgia Critic and TGWTG to say those things for me since there are enough bad reviews to top any masterpiece's good reviews...

Character - Arcana 

Aang - Fool

Katara - Empress

Sokka - Magician

Suki - Priestess

Toph - Strength

Zuko - Judgment

Iroh - Hanged Man

Azula - Tower

Ozai - Emperor

Monday, December 9, 2013

Digimon Adventure 02 Epilogue, a Minor Discussion


This ending was the culmination of the Digimon Adventure 02 and it shows just how much the writers just don't know where to go to the characters.

I only want to defend and argue to a degree.


Children growing up would not likely have their child fascinations. This shows with a friend of mine who originally wanted to be a pharmacist but now she is striving to be a neurosurgeon. She doesn't care how difficult it would  be. In the series, Cody has the most worthwhile career out of all the new generation of Digidestined. He didn't become a kendo teacher, he became a lawyer signifying his growth throughout the dangling plot.

However, there are futures that they are regardless going into anyway which I don't mind with Kari, Izzy, and Joe (kindergarten teacher, researcher, doctor respectively). No problem there. Instead of having jobs that fit the characters or at least give them average jobs, we have jobs that are so ostentatious it's ludicrous.

Such example would be Davis/Daisuke. I know Davis would just be happy selling noodles with his noodle cart. Having good food is one thing but it's another thing to fit the character. Take for example Genta Umemori from Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. He was made famous for his curry on a certain episode, not his sushi. He's perfectly happy selling sushi even though his sushi is bland and mediocre. He have no regrets after all; he had no plans to be rich or to put on the front page of Time. He wants a five star for his sushi, yes, but this is Genta. He went to France in the end of the series, wanting to explore his cooking sushi more, picking up likely some new cookery on the way.

However, there are some futures that are a slap to the characterization. The bonus material tried to explain them but really it's still a weak explanation.


There are such thing as a phase but Sora grew up as a tomboy. She still doesn't care about her looks much in high school, unlike Mimi. Erm, is tennis a feminine sport? I'm sure it wasn't since I seen in lots of anime and manga that both boys and girls play it. Instead of letting Sora gain interest in flower arranging normally, we see her in fashion design even though that's clearly Mimi's field. Kimono design or no, it's ridiculous. We see her show no interest in fashion even in high school, even though it's clear she's still growing away from her tomboyish habits. In Adventure, she ran away from home because her mom wants her to take after the shop.

How did she become a chef?

Mimi as a chef? Throughout 02, she was seen partying and catching up with the latest fashion. How becoming a chef come to be? It's not as bad as Matt, though. Mimi has a weird sense of taste in Adventure so why not make her a chef? It's like having Orihime becoming a chef in a 5-star restaurant, Grade A through and through.

Oh, the pain~!

Tai, while a good leader as Takuya and Takato, as a politician, is just an oh-my-god-what-the-hell kind of expression. Remember, this is a war he is fighting. It doesn't necessarily extend to politics. Ohgi from Code Geass had shown to be not really a good leader yet he's elected as the new Prime Minister. Good heart but not really good judgment as the rest of the Black Knights. Tai seems best fit in a war zone acting as a Captain or a General if he decided to fight. Throughout the anime, he is shown to have a good grasp on position and others' strength to his advantage. Tai in a suit make me cringe. For a better future, you could say soccer coach or a war leader. Tai seems a bit more idealistic which means no killing whatsoever so soccer coach it is!

Again, what.

Matt... It came out of nowhere. At least Tai (leadership) and Sora (flower arranging) have something. As I said before, adults won't have the same fascination when they are children. But just where is the evidence for this? I got enough evidence for my friend who decided to be a neurosurgeon. Just how can one go to a minor rock star to an astronaut? He's better off as a music teacher or something that fits his character. Also, I highly doubt Matt influenced Sora into becoming a fashion designer; if he loves her, then it's Sora's choice.

This is the level of "Don't Care" Level.

TK as an author. Like most characters in the show, the writers had no idea what to do with him so they left him as a narrator. While TK has some awesome moments in 02, his characterization just doesn't go anywhere, it's just stagnant or just there. Unlike Cody who grew and the only one the writers had any thought for, this character has little to no advancing characterization.


Yolei as a housewife... oh boy, is this cringe-worthy? She was the most career-oriented girl in the series and she went on to be a housewife, getting busy with Ken...which is nothing wrong! It just doesn't fit her character; why not let her be a part-timer somewhere or something active outside the kitchen at least! While I would care less about Ken X Yolei/Miyako, there is still no development at all (this comment was to satisfy the shippers).

The series could've been a story of a coming of age story, learning the harshness of reality and knowing things won't come so easily even as Digidestined who gained a name for themselves... You know, now that I think about it, Tai as a persona-user in my story would be a secret hero even from his friends because really even though the Digital World is impossible to exist, Shadows are totally different creatures. Instead, we have Digidestined that doesn't have much development and have more telling than showing futures that are just out-of-character without all the hard work. Yusei Fudo would make a better choice for Minato/Makoto with his serious and quiet demeanor but Yusei takes a step forward representing hope. Anyways, the Persona series has always been depressing acknowledging death and life, multiples characters reacting like humans to their circumstances with the tiny bit of hope left.

*muttering under breath*

Now there is another thing to have a carbon copy kid. It's utterly lazy for one thing...which leads to the infamous part of epilogue, Matt and Sora marrying each other & Kari and TK not marrying each other.

Sora and Matt are to say strangled by each other. The director of Digimon 02 admitted that the pairing was planned since the beginning. Emphasis on friendship or not, just telling certain writers that would just not work. As a result, you got more staff supporting Tai and Sora, heck even the seiyuus said that Taiora is the most plausible couple. And that is just the tip of the creative differences. Just to let you know, the creator of Digimon left the band because he doesn't want a sequel. Like I said before, perhaps something happened to them in the time skip and we are left to decide what happen.

At least Kari has a job that fits her.

I do like TK and Kari together as a coupling but it's not as strong as the Taiora/Sorato fan debate above. So many hints yet it never took any of it. Unlike Guilty Crown in which it took itself seriously to an exasperating degree, this series could still be so serious yet fun at the same time if it learns to balance well. The series had proven itself almost a waste of potential. Ken as the Digimon Emperor was a great twist to the Digidestined creed but soon after Ken turns good, the series just drop in quality. Ups and downs in the plot are so visible you cringe. The epilogue in my opinion was the lowest drop of quality Digimon Adventure can have.

This is my opinion. Everyone's opinion is valued, no matter how much the other desperately want to conform to the general public or just don't care. This is all opinion.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Persona Speculations

I have been writing a lot of Persona posts these days including a story based on Persona 3. Then again, the series had been the most interesting to talk about. Code Geass may have a movie coming (during R2 from what I heard) and a play and Kingdom Hearts has some news but not really enough to discuss since a lot of people can tell what would likely happen anyway (heck even Word of God said this is the last part dealing with Xehanort but not really the end of Kingdom Hearts as a whole), so really not much to talk about.

But I digress.

Naoya Toudou, Tatsuya Suou, Maya Amano, Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuuki/Sakuya Shiomi, Souji Seta/Yu Narukami
from left corner to right corner in zig-zag fashion. 

Persona 5 would very likely feature a new group (I don't really have to guess that the new group would be composed of high school students because of their root to self-discovery and maturity again that the Persona team of Atlus used to their advantage). After all, this story has a different theme. While the summoning Personas is still up in the air (would likely go back to Persona 1 and 2 roots with no Evokers or crushing cards but rather summon by will alone), I still think this new group would come face to face with many other Persona-users later on especially the Investigation Team in their own futures.

I'm not exactly sure if it's going to be like Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger or Digimon Xros Wars: Hunters Leapt Through Time. I mean, it's not exactly an anniversary after all. I don't know its anniversary really because I only learn of its anniversary when it's released. I mean I was aware of anniversaries of Super Sentai after getting used to it after all.

What a nice group picture!

It's very likely dealing with how society repressed certain personalities to be restrained and not allowed to be free. People are chained to what they are supposed to act rather than their true personalities; the repression of the true self rather than the suppression of the true self.

It sounds likely to be a bittersweet ending. I mean society won't really accept certain attitudes or identities because even though it's progressive, there are still obstacles.

Taking yet another psychological route, we could see how this could been done maturely like Persona 4. In my opinion, the ending of normal ending is happy enough. With enough time, the Investigation Team would be comfortable in their future. It won't be as easy as a year. Acknowledging your faults is just a step forward. Hell, it took me more than three years for my walls I built since childhood to fall. I think the walls that these characters in P4 have build their masks in the same way. Despite the fact they gained their ultimate Persona and reached the apex of their character development, I don't think they could just fall into their truer selves.

Again, I digress.

Sho Minazuki might possibly be a character in P5. It's a bit of a stretch but really we haven't seen a Persona or anything other than his fighting skills. For now, we have to see the game release and his story mode.

There might be a possiblity that Zen and Rei of Persona Q are possible characters in P5. Agan, a bit of a stretch but what else can be concluded. We heard nothing much about P5 so I am going guess  no matter how irrational it might be.

Finally Maaya Sakamoto (Aigis) finally dragged her husband into the world of Persona!


Persona 5 has a lot of potential for all the teaser had concluded.

I shall try to think of more speculations as more trailers come out for the game. For now, just enjoy the trailer and hope that it would surpass Persona 4 in terms of gameplay and story. I mean the character development of the series is always the best part aside from its brilliant music and plot but those help.

For future Arena games, I am sure certain members from the original games would come. I mean the Night Queen from 1 is Nyx and the Malevolent Entity might be Nyarlathotep from 2. The connection may be weak (as per Word of God) but really I am certain members would come... even though there might be a problem with the amnesia and the whole Tatsuya-and-Maya-meeting-again-would-start-apocalypse-for-the-second-time and let's not forget the Great Seal breaking cause another apocalypse and the incident with Izanami... That's a lot of apocalypses. If Persona 5 has another one going on, I'll just throw my arms up the air exasperated and yell "That world is doomed! What on earth did the world do to these gods to create three apocalypses?!".

The Magicians!

I never realized it but Yosuke's Social Link is the reverse of Junpei's character development. Junpei was jealous of Minato for being better at everything than him (for all I criticized the manga version, at least this was addressed and it's very clear this would be in the movie for his character development) but he learned to accept it and once he lost Chidori, he grew strong, knowing Chidori gives her life for him and he will live. Yosuke on the other hand grew strong for Saki's death until we learn somewhere near the end of his Social Link he was jealous of Souji the entire time. What? Nowhere had it implied that Yosuke was jealous or consider himself boring to Souji, always calling him "Partner" and helping him whenever he could. This fanfic addresses that Yosuke considers himself boring and even though he's girl-crazy, he knew he still had no chance. This takes place around the same time of his character development. Why not during the Magician Rank 2 or 3, Yosuke can say that he was jealous then and the type anybody can look up to and the ones girls would fall for? Yosuke must really be able to hold his jealousy better if he said so until the end. However, it is still not really great path if there are no subtle or blunt hints.

Heh, just felt like saying that.

From above, I mentioned just a bit of Persona Q. There might be a probability that all the games that's going to going soon is going to connected to canon. Knowing Persona, there might be a little Kingdom Hearts or the Tales of going on. Except while KH has made it pretty clear they are connected (KHDDD) and only the Tales characters meet up in noncanon picture dramas or Radiant Mythology, Atlus made cameos and made it clear they are connected albeit with very vague hints. Now let's see the summaries of the games with the exception of Persona 5 and Persona 4: Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold since we all know it's going to have connections to the mothership titles of Persona. I am using the canon names for Souji/Yu for this one and getting whatever they have in Megami Tensei Wikia.

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth - The Investigation Team were enjoying the last day of the Cultural Fest until a mysterious clock tower came out of nowhere from an urban legend that if you hear the bell ring from the tower, you'll die.

Meanwhile in Tartarus, SEES were about to train again until they are warped into Yaso High School in 2012 to their shock. Suddenly the school turned into something like Tartarus with only the Investigation Team and SEES are the only ones remaining with two students who lost their memories, Zen and Rei. Realizing that Zen and Rei's memories are the key to solving this mess, SEES and Investigation Team worked together as one.

Persona 4: Dancing All Night - Taking place after Persona 4, Rise Kujikawa returns to showbiz and Yu gone back to the city if the screenshot above has shown. Maybe Yu is working out at Zumba or something. Rumors spread, similar to the Midnight Channel phenomenon, that if you open a site at midnight exactly, a strange video will show and the person watching it would be pulled to the "other side"; aptly named Midnight Stage.

When a fellow singer from Rise's idol group, Kanamin Kitchen or her real name Kanami Mashita, went missing, Rise, based on her experiences with the paranormal, contacted Yu and the Investigation team to help search for the missing idols.

Seriously Yu is even dancing with Izanagi.

While there aren't any confirmations yet for Persona Q to be canon yet, there might be a possibility it's canon. Persona has very vague hints that they are all connected that Word of God confirmed. However, we are talking about spin-offs of a spin-off. Are they canon or not? The closest spin-off to the Persona series is Persona ~Trinity Soul~ and it's not even canon but Persona 4: Arena confirms Akihiko is going to become a police officer anyway.

If Persona Q is canon in some way (both teams lost their memories in exchange for Zen and Rei's and they hope they meet again someday even if they lose their memories), then... yeah... There is no confirmation of Minato's canon name so at this rate I am going to call him P3MC.

So there might be a possibility it could be canon, vague it is.

However, assuming the re-updated release of Persona 3: FES and Persona 4: Golden are canon, then we can take it as that.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Story Preview: Memento Mori

No, I am not giving out prompts. I rather give those out anonymously in kink memes. This is a teaser of sorts for my future story.

Memento Mori
Burn My Dread....

Tai sighed, glancing at his wristwatch. 11:58 already?

"Ohtori Station. Ohtori Station." The intercom announced as Tai adjusted his duffel bag and walked out of the subway and onto the platform.



Tai froze instantly as he took in the sight laying before him.

Coffins replaced the people around him, motionless as if frozen in time. Fear was his constant companion as he stood outside the train station. Complete darkness was shrouded the city of Ohtori.

The darkness almost felt ominous as if something was lurking... Tai shook his head. Impossible. No way had they come back.

The sheer apathy taking over betrayed by shaking hands, he proceeded to walk towards his destination, not caring the least the lights are out or puddles of blood.

The darkness had never looked so grim. The bright moon shone on the bloodstained asphalt, giving it a morbid gleam. Coffins remained still and stagnant on what could be called hell on earth. The sheer wrongness of the atmosphere was palpable.

Clutching the school map in his hands, Tai made quickly to Ohtori Academy. Despite the darkness and blood, he found his dorm, lit unlike the other dorms around the academy. Partially amused and apathetic, he took the handle and pulled it open.

"You're late. I have been waiting for you."

Tai jerked and turned to the counter. A boy wearing a black and white striped jumpsuit smiled from across him and snapped his fingers.

"If you want to proceed," the boy gestured to a portfolio in front of him, opening quietly. "Please sign your name on this contract. Don't worry; all it says that you would accept full responsibilities for your actions. You know, the usual."

- End excerpt

Summary: Remember you have to die. Remember your mortality.

Alternate summary: After Armaeddemon and everything, Tai transfers to Ohtori Academy three years later. There, he met friends he could even call his new family, dysfunctional and violent. Little did he know, death would come, even to those who vehemently denies its ultimate truth.

I'm using the Japanese timeline for this since Tai was already a middle school student or a freshmen in high school at least. I wanted time for Tai to finally decide to move away. He did give his friends and family his new address and contacts to his new school (since he transferred for his junior year from April to March..which the last several months are just whammy) but he knew that his dorm was likely temporary. I am using the English Dub names since I grew up with them except for the rest of SEES which I am using their Japanese names since I knew those names best. I know it's out of place but at least the English Dub acknowledge the Japanese names.

Characters for SEES are totally different and already they're a mismatch group whose name would be pretty infamous in school. Just because I put them in the role doesn't mean they would act the same way their equivalent would. Since all the characters aren't orphans (only Tohru and Yuri are orphans, Conan sorta counts since his parents left him behind once he became of age), the chances they would likely die and have others mourning their deaths is very probable. I still haven't wrote in the social links yet or any other characters beyond SEES. I would likely have a character cameo from Utena now and then since this school is from the anime series but a tad more modernized with electricity, cars, bikes, etc.


Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuuki - Taichi "Tai" Yagami (The Fool)

Aigis - Hikaru from Angelic Layer (Aeon Arcana)

 Yukari Takeba Amu Hinamori (Lovers Arcana)

Junpei Iori - Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada (Temperance Arcana)

Fuuka Yamagishi  - Tohru Honda (Priestess Arcana)

 Akihiko Sanada Ichigo Kurosaki

Mitsuru Kirijou - Milly Ashford (Empress Arcana)

 Shinjiro Aragaki - Yuri Lowell 

 Ken Amada - Conan Edogawa/Shinichi Kudo (Justice Arcana)

 Shuji Ikutsuki - Justin Law

Social Links (would be different from original and aren't finalized as of yet; there won't be multiple smashes and saying your bonds have matured. All of these Social Links will be maxed.)

Lelouch vi Britannia/Lamperouge (Emperor Arcana)

Black*Star (Magician Arcana)

Ran Mouri (Hanged Man Arcana)

Kyo Sohma (Sun Arcana)

Utena Tenjou (Strength Arcana)

Joe Kido (Hierophant Arcana)

Kyoya Hibari (Hermit Arcana)

Po Ping (Moon Arcana)

Kukai Souma (Star Arcana)

Shifu (Tower Arcana)

Schneizel el Britannia (Devil Arcana)

Nagihiko Fujisaki (Chariot Arcana)

Pharos (Death Arcana)

Strega (not yet confirmed)

Takaya - Medusa

Chidori - Crona

Reason for roles would be explained if you read the story. Because of their different personalities, I am choosing their initial and Ultimate Personas; only five of the nine members would have the same as the original game (though I think of changing that). Some will have different resolutions in their hearts in this one because of their different personalities again and their backgrounds that made them the way they are. Tsuna for example may have Junpei's role as the Butt Monkey and the girl-craziness (he noticed girls to a degree but really he never pursue them in KHR) but his resolution is a tad different. Only two of the SEES characters' origins and canonical storyline would be the same in the fic: Tai and the second is surely up there.

All of them does have their friends from their respective anime, making cameos then and there. They might show worry for their friends yet they do not know; I'm not yet sure if I want to have all of them be given the ability of Persona. It would make an army fit enough to fight a god. It would be Bleach if I write in too many Persona-users in the same story; I want FMA or One Piece if I were to make that army. I don't want it to have too many characters interacting because the story would need only a considerable cast. However, there are some that would make an impact on certain SEES characters; the Social Links above would tell you all you need to know.

Because of the social links, the story would likely be longer. Social Links would really deal with their canonical problems but it's resolved not in a really magical manner. Kyo Sohma's problem was resolved in a sorta magical moment but remember my story may take place during the fantastical sci-fi of Digimon, the cold logic of Detective Conan, and the psychological horror that is Persona. All of which genre busted. I am barring how a cursed family when hugged turn into an animal of the Zodiac, how a rebellious prince turns against his own blood country, how young middle school students give birth to eggs in turn revealing to be their true desires in chibi forms, how a strong-willed woman works herself hard to become a prince while coping her parents' death, how a mafia familigia used magic to destroy each other, how a person could be turned into a weapon to fight off witches, and how a human with shinigami powers protecting his town from evil spirits.

I will definitely make some connections to my version of P1, P2, and P4 (The Persona-users in there will be a surprise if I ever get around writing it) during the fanfic. I mean, do you think that SEES and the Investigation Team are the only Persona-users in the world granted powers from Philemon or Igor, don't you? Sure P3 and P4 gave the series fame but most people don't usually know P1 and P2 duologies (Atlus is not helping this by not providing the original games...y'know with Hitler and everything that came with the package.). Besides, I think Naoya would do great as a lawyer if I want to think of his future.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Why Do I Torture Tai So Much?

Spoilers Alert!

Rambling Alert!

When I hate, I hate. Just a warning.

Too bad, Tai, you are going through so much.

Tai had been a victim of my story a lot. The first time he was in my story Birth by Sleep, he plays Ventus or Ven, sharing a role with a companion. Now, I am planning a story I want to write anyway despite knowing that it won't get much reviews anyway that would end up traumatizing the players in the story.

One word: Persona. I would be leaning towards a certain game than any other with a central focus on tragedy. Given it's Persona, tragedy would remain a large part of this story.

Despite Persona-users are the heroes of this story, almost all that I knew of from past and present, they are broken from trauma due to the events. They did grow strong though from all the events.

Anyway, Tai...

Ehh, couldn't find the right pic for this.

Taichi "Tai" Yagami or Kamiya in the English Dub was the leader of the Digidestined and grew up to be a politician... I know Tai is a good leader and all, but I can't see Tai in a suit like I can't see Sora as a fashion designer or Matt as an astronaut. I have words for Zero Two ending. I could rant to hell about just how the writers just don't know where they are going with the story; it was all over the place with lack of character development and plot threads left dangling. One of its saving points was Ken and he wasn't able to save the series to some extent. Others can see the flaws on the obvious perfect ending so I'll just allow them to say it...more with JesuOtaku since her views are pretty much leveled compared to other fans.

In Zero Two, he still remains a good leader but passed on the role to Davis or Daisuke. While Sorato is one of the AssPulls I would forever hate, one of its saving graces was Tai letting go of Sora no matter how much that hurts him. It's still clear that he's hurt but he allows love to go gracefully unlike those psychotic love interests like Yuno from Future Diary.

Ahh, the daily life...

In my future story, I plans to have Tai transfer to another school to get away from his friends and family who moved on without him, going to the place where he had once visited with his parents (Kari wasn't born yet so Tai was like a toddler at best) and experienced a car accident that nearly killed them and left them hospitalized for weeks. He transferred without telling anyone except the school faculty and left during April, leaving behind Agumon who he felt will not be a wise choice to his new school, feeling that there is just something there will not be great for Agumon or for any Digimon. Agumon was devastated with Tai moving away and wanted to go but he can't really go due to how faraway and foreign the place really is and the fact everyone is busy to even visit the town (although they respected his decision to move to another school; in his letter before he left, he said that he needed some time away from Odaiba a bit, wanting to see the world which is a lie (not that they thought much of it)). At least they have contact to them even though the school he's going to is very faraway, quite a distance from Tokyo. Little did Tai know, he will be thrown into a battle of Shadows with his new friends in their secret club, SEES.

I changed this just a tad.

Yes, everyone will not have their own digimon. To have everyone with a Digimon will defeat a purpose of a Digidestined. Only a selected few could be given a digimon in my opinion. Heck, even Savers/DATS has only a lot of people and some used Digimon for crime, something Zero Two never even thought of.

But I digress...

Anyway, what Tai gonna do in my story doesn't seem original. In another story I read Heart of the Warrior a YGOGX and Digimon crossover, Tai ran away from home to get away from family and friends who just never found him good enough. He reconcile with them later. I decide to take a different route sort of because all the characters that are in SEES are from various anime and some are opposite personalities from the actual SEES. I don't know why but the players in my story are mostly protagonists from other anime, maybe I am more familiar with their characters. I still haven't choose the location of the school yet. I will be keeping some things from Persona 3 (Evoker, Shadows, Apathy Syndrome, erm...that thing) but I still have stuff to make sure that these characters react differently and some circumstances are different too. After all, it would focus on Tai and his new friends, and his old friends and his new friends' on the side.

The anime I am choosing from for SEES are totally different and you don't need beforehand knowledge of those characters and where they came from. No, they are not OC's; again, various protagonists from various anime/manga; all you should know is the name...I'll do their backstory on the actual story since it is AU.

However, this different route is something you had to see for yourself if you read it. I'm still gathering notes in between classes and homework. The classes are killing me.

Anyway, since it's an AU of Zero Two, then the ending would never ever happen. Yes, I am still on about that.

I still haven't gotten to the part why I torture this guy so much...

Perhaps, it was the fact he's hurting inside. For some reason, Tai seems stagnant among his really backwards friends with an exception of a few. He cares for them and they care for him but lately these friends have been going on their own direction (which is nothing wrong) but rather he stayed the same. Him being a politician is totally out of nowhere and had no circumstantial hints towards it; no, being the leader of the gang is just stretching it. I don't think Tai has that much of a passion to become a politician... a soccer coach or a minor philanthropist maybe but not really a politician. Don't get me started on the incredible idiocy of a ramen place landing on Time's front page. Like most fans, I want to ignore it. There are some good things like Cody as a lawyer and the expected futures of Izzy, Kari, Joe, and Ken (no problem with that because he can pick any career he choose really).

Oh, and one thing, writers of Digimon Adventure 02?

You can think of that the ending is canon and all with Sorato and the future of all the Digidestined but you still have no evidence of foreshadowing of any of these events. Almost all are so ludicrous and just so damn cruel to their characters that the bittersweet endings of Adventure, Tamers, and Savers stick out like a sore thumb (meant that both story-wise and character-wise).

While I do not understand the Sorato thing, I don't blame Matt for that. It's Sora's choice.
We fans have to think what happened between Tai and Sora during the time skip.

There is one thing to hate a character but to hate a character due to shipping reasons is just stupid. Shipping is just subjective; people can simply choose to ship due to its "Kawaii!"-ness, "smexiness", canon-based evidence, whatever they are thinking in their minds. I am trying to handle this maturely and trying not to blow up on the faces of such immaturity.

I like stories that show respect for certain characters. Even though I had a hard time making the characters in-character, I can recognize in-character actions which is just plain weird.