Sunday, December 15, 2013

Favorite Show: Avatar: The Last Airbender

This is a damn good show.

Not only there's good humor and creativity, there are good characterization and plot. The characters are very well-developed, giving each character a spotlight especially since we are dealing with kids in time of war. The plot is great as well, having each character impacted by the Fire Nation's doing. They show a sense of maturity in the issues they tackle such as war. The humanity in the show is its greatest point. The emotional yet awesome moments were one of the greatest moments in the series.

It also has a very perfect payoff in the end.

The research is very well-done of the cultures and translation. I fell in love with it partially of its respect. However, this is just the tip of everything that is great about this show.

Doug Walker loves this show to even putting it in his top shows now. It is a much-watch show.

The movie, on the other hand, is a downright failure almost from the start. Everything that is good about A:TLA is sucked out as well including the humanity and maturity in favor of telling the story. I would allow other reviewers especially Nostalgia Critic and TGWTG to say those things for me since there are enough bad reviews to top any masterpiece's good reviews...

Character - Arcana 

Aang - Fool

Katara - Empress

Sokka - Magician

Suki - Priestess

Toph - Strength

Zuko - Judgment

Iroh - Hanged Man

Azula - Tower

Ozai - Emperor

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