So I watched the first episode of the series and I greatly enjoyed it.
There are many callbacks to the original series. There is one soundtrack that always accompanied Yamazaki's storytelling and the OST came back! In addition, the title cards and the breaks to the commercial cards are similar to the original series.
The original seiyuus are back and they are just as great now as they were before.
I just have one question: Is this a mashup of the anime and manga? Is it a continuation of the anime adaptation?
Because it sure as hell doesn't have the same amount of cards.
I checked! Looking at the manga version, there are fewer cards because, in the manga, only 19 exists. However, in the anime version, 52 or 53 if you count the Hope Card exists. And in the anime of CCS Clear Card, there are more cards there in the conversation with Yue. Hell, when we see the cards in Sakura hands, it's looked like a full deck rather than just a two dozen cards. I think I would notice fewer cards.
Not to mention, we are treated to the flashback of the airport goodbye with Syaoran giving Sakura the teddy bear. And Sakura did not make the teddy bear then. Wei was even featured in that flashback in the same place he was in that airport goodbye scene! They are in the exact same clothes, position, everything is exactly like the final episode of the original series! And it's in the style of the new anime series! We explicitly see him not carrying the pink Sakura teddy bear!
When we got dialogue in the flashback, it sure as hell wasn't the same as in the OVA where the pair exchanged whether or not they can name the bear after the other. It was Sakura and only Sakura who asked she can name the bear after him.
Hell, there was a brief recap which shows the first episode, the Shadow, the Watery, the Time, Final Judgment, Eriol's first appearance, the SyaoSaku swing scene, the teddy bear exhibition, the transformation of Light/Dark, and the last episode!
The original team came back! From writer to the animation studio! And I'm sure as hell they didn't forget the original series! They would have to pick the montage out!
Then what about the OVA then which basically is the manga version? It basically says the Prologue for Godoka's sake! What the couple wore in that episode is different from their airport goodbye in the anime!
In the same episode, we see Sakura sewing up the teddy bear with Kero explicitly saying that she was doing before his return to Hong Kong. She was even wearing the same outfit she wore on the airport goodbye! She didn't wear the same outfit as in the Prologue! But the previous flashback regarding the couple was the airport goodbye! And Sakura clearly did not bring the bear along on that airport goodbye! When Syaoran was going back to Hong Kong just the same in the bus trip when he retrieves the Sakura teddy bear in the manga!
Now, in the anime version, Syaoran returned to Tomoeda temporarily for Sakura to confess her feelings to him in the Sealed Card movie. That is the only time Sakura have to craft her teddy bear before he returned to Hong Kong and make the promise he made in the manga. She could have given the teddy bear then.
And we heard the conversation in the manga where Syaoran promised Sakura when he finishes with business in Hong Kong, he will come back.
I know my CLAMP, okay. It's just honestly confusing to see the recap and the references to the last episode with no connection to the manga beyond the teddy bears and by that, I mean the Sakura teddy bear.
I guess I have to see more. If it is indeed a mashup of the anime and the manga. Or a continuation of the anime.
I mean I would need to see the cards, any card usage that is not of the 19 manga version, that would explicitly tell me.
Or Meiling will come.
Or any reference to past adventures that was in the expanded animeverse. Even a reference to the Sealed Card events.
I'm sorry for the rant. It's just been tickling my mind since I watched the episode.
Regardless, I deeply enjoyed the first episode. I can see some differences between anime and manga and hope that continued.
Edit: Having seen the second episode, there was indeed mentions of Wei and Meiling! So this does take place in the anime continuity!
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I wonder.... |
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Imagine the potential of this could come from this! |
Admittedly, my investment in the Dabi Todoroki Theory stemmed from story potential.
As of now, Midoriya and Bakugou have personal stakes in the coming battle. Midoriya due to his connection with All Might and his relationship thus. Bakugou due to the fact his interactions with VA. Stain impacted the society certainly and his presence was felt in-story despite his incarceration.
Look at it this way: In Miraculous Ladybug, we are invested in the Agreste fucked-up plotline due to Adrien himself. Adrien has personal stakes in the plot because you know, angst with a father who has a goal in mind who may or may not want to warp the world for his own goals. Marinette has a crush on Adrien and knew little about the Agreste disaster. All she knows is his father is distant but caring. Her only connection to the entire plot was her crush on Adrien. I am not talking about character development here, folks. I am talking about personal stakes in the plot. Most of the time, Marinette felt like she is on the outside, looking in the conflict. Seriously, her main interactions with the plot were due to her saving the day, interactions with Adrien and Gabriel, and possibly meeting new superheroes.
Others don't have much beyond their standard fights against VA. Okay, so the Hideout Raid Arc has severely impacted everyone. Remember Tsui's tears. Remember how Aizawa cannot expel the class. That is how bad the arc affected everyone.
Every arc is building up the tension. I mean right now, the current arc is based on Todoroki and Bakugou passing the Hero License Exam with others while Deku and others who participated in the mission recover. Those guys need the rest for now until the plot moving again.
So to say a brother is a villain and on the VA no less? Then Shouto Todoroki has personal stakes! That meant his backstory will soon become a part of the plot possibly due to the fact it was Dabi's motivation.
If to say a classmate, a particular close classmate is a villain and a spy the entire time? Then the entire class has personal stakes on the plot! They want their friend back or to understand what is his thought process for even joining VA well before UA.
Beyond just doing the right thing to stop the bad guys, tension, and stakes building up, I felt that people should have personal stakes in the future battle at hand.
Seriously, if the Dabi Theory is true, then it will be great for Shouto! Character-wise because just imagine the plot interweaving well with the Sports Festival arc. The Hideout Raid arc did well with the Sports Festival arc in terms of Endeavor.
We see Shouto's character development since the Sports Festival arc. I am interested to see how his story could be taken beyond the abuse with a brother taking the helm of villainy to take down their dad, damn the law. Doesn't help that Dabi is a killer.
I want to know more of the class beyond just peeks of their character development in certain parts of the arc.
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