Sunday, July 29, 2018

Voltron Season 7 Trailer Review

To be clear, I'm not watching Voltron right now because of lack of interest. I'm watching anime like My Hero Academia S3 and Welcome to the Ballroom and playing games like P4DAN, the P2 duology, and PokeUSUM.

I said that I'm not going to watch it until it's completed. Since it's going to be completed in two seasons anyway... I'll watch it damn it. Two seasons and that's all, returning to the 13 episode format.

Voltron wasn't my favorite show or even among in the whole world in the western animation side of things. If you saw my blog, Avatar The Last Airbender, Samurai Jack, Gravity Falls, and Over The Garden Wall topped the list. And that's in no particular order because I long since deleted any numbers on my list and just put them on equal standings.

I still say the writers for the VLD team did not make it easy for the potential to come through. Their writing still had issues that I hoped they solved in later projects. The writers are all over the place and not consistent. Not to say that Steven Universe is any better since the powers were oft-forgotten and writing is drawn on way too long than necessary. Keep to a plan, crewniverse. I'm thinking that your plot and the needless filler is not approached well enough. To the credit of the VLD writers, at least they were able to write when necessary like tension and character. The writing wasn't stellar neither is SU's. I honestly wished the writing is written to its fullest potential.

I can accept criticism but not needless hate. I really dislike the attitudes in Tumblr that I made my mission to avoid tags, only following blogs at this point.

On a side note, thank fuck the show was ending. The VLD fandom was probably one of the worst fandoms I ever saw as a result of modern trends coming together in the worst possible way. The fanwank was now called discourse...probably to make it sound more mature than it really was because the arguments in fandom were just silly. I've been in fandom for years and only in recent years had I learned the term discourse was switched from wank. Just put wank back where it belongs, Tumblr, social media! Honestly, whenever I see an argument blow up, I call it wank despite people calling it discourse. The reason why I had to put up the word discourse was to catch up with the time. Sides of the arguments are simply more vicious and emotional to the point that I just scoff at their stupidity.

For example, the idiotic lion switch argument started up again. I hate it, I hate any argument in the VLD fandom or any argument in any fandom. This time, though, it's drama for drama's sake. It's all Black Paladin Lance this and that and Red Paladin Keith this and that. I HATE THIS!!!!!!!

Do you know anything about narrative comprehension?! There was no way they would do another lion switch this far and repeat the same plot point! Do you really want to destroy Shiro and Keith's character development and also Lance's for your so-called favorite character?! All parts of Voltron were damn important, not just the head. The head may be the leader but that does not mean that you want to prioritize Lance over everybody else including Keith and Lance. This was not the Lance show! All the Paladins are leader-types, can take the charge when given the chance. They did not necessarily have the Black Lion to be a leader! That was limiting! This fandom failed to appreciate Red Paladin Lance and it's annoying since he's doing great at it but no...Black Paladin Lance was the way to go apparently when it should not be.

Lance would only pilot Black for a single moment and that's THAT

I hate this fandom so much, so much...

Ships don't need to be fucking healthy! This is not activism! Shipping was supposed to be fun, not a contest of healthy couplings and maturity! I know shipping wars was a nigh-inevitability when it comes to canon, but the way people would fight despite the obvious lack of need to. They can simply enjoy their ship in their own space... Yet for all of this, they did not need canon to validate their couple. NOT AT ALL. Canon may look like it might help....according to shipping goggles. Remember that not anybody would have the same opinion on the coupling.

Look at me. I'm personally not drawn to Maya X Tatsuya but I am drawn to Maya X Katsuya and Tatsuya X Jun. I'm drawn to Celty X Shinra, Namie X Vorona, and Shizaya but I'm not drawn to Shizuo X Vorona and Shizuo X Tom.

Nobody gets hurt because shipping is not supposed to hurt anybody. People should not hold themselves up as someone that 'upheld' the healthiest of ships.

I don't see the Free! fandom which has surprisingly little drama in it. While they do fight about how the story was written at times, there are little shipping wars. This fandom has so many goddamn ships and I do ship in Free! However, I never actually saw anybody bashing anyone else in the fandom.

Why can't every fandom be like the Free! fandom!? One Piece? Pokeani? Detective Conan?

It's pretty rare to find fandoms that somehow don't have dramas. Dramas in the same line as SU and VLD.

I'd rather have someone who had the kinkiest ships and 'sins' who actually respected another's opinion than have someone who had the healthiest ships and headcanons who disrespected another person simply for shipping something they don't.

The fandom would cool down...hopefully...

Listen, fandom, what's done is done. And all you have in your actual hands was to create fanfiction and other fanworks if canon did not appease you in any way. If the endgames did not appeal to you (believe me when I say that I know that NaruSaku was the original endgame for Naruto, not NaruHina), then write the heck out of fanfiction. Do you see the Naruto fandom now? NaruSaku and NaruSasu were still ongoing in their fandoms just as much as NaruHina and SasuSaku.

Despite popular opinion, you had no actual hands on the product. It affected but not in the way you think. Just thinking of VLD's high horse gives me a headache.

When the Naruto fandom was looking normal in comparison, then you should do the same, you fucking fandom.

If you think fiction was way too much for you like way too much investment to the point of harassing other people, step back and think. Find other ways to relax. You don't have to participate in fandoms and in those wanks. Just step back, breathe, and relax.


Let's just get the pink elephant out of the room first.

Shiro was confirmed to be LGBTQ+ and had an ex-SO named Adam. Apparently, Adam was his ex-fiance, broken up after an argument about Kerberos.

For the record, Adam had a valid reason for his argument. Get out of your head saying that Shadam was toxic this very instant. Adam had a valid reason for wanting to spend the remaining time with Shiro just as Shiro had the reason for wanting to spend time on his dreams.

Admittedly, it was a surprise but a good surprise. I mean we got an LGBTQ+ disabled chronically ill POC main character...

Let's just hope he's not the only one. Because having simply one couple or individual and pat oneself on the back is something that does happen in media and that is depressing. We need to get out of that mindset. I wish shows made more explicit about sexualities/whatever and examine them crucially, especially when it's important to plot and/or character.

Remember we cannot have the 'straight until proven gay' thing. We need to get out of the mindset. This was is the mindset I wanted to get out of, regardless of the media. I really wanted the Gay Option in the Persona series soon because it's been a while since we had any male love interests. I seriously wanted it as one of my tops alongside having other people in the other spectrum and of course please don't have a female idol/performer/model as the Lovers, please.

It seemed far out of left field but remember that LM had teased about LGBT for a while now. There had been headcanons that Shiro was demi/ace/whatever you can think but I'm betting that nobody thought they were getting this. While it was not confirmed what on the spectrum Shiro belonged in, he's a confirmed LGBTQ+ individual.

Now that's out of the way. Since we're going to meet Adam - a character I'm most excited to meet - we need to - I hope to see how they are going to write this representation.

Garrison was now playing a role again which definitely includes Adam and other higher-ups. Civilians will be casualties, probably even Lance's family.

The show was unpredictable...and when I say unpredictable, the writers are not good at elevating emotional moments to its fullest potential.

So I guess I'll be watching it by the tenth.

America was still transitioning into LGBT representation. We're still new into the said representation in general media. People who were inclusive are well-intentioned and made mistakes. Bring it to their attention and why it is not good to do and say this and that. People might disagree but if the show actually made an effort to show what is happening.

There is something called Death of the Author. I don't have to listen to everything Rowling or Linkara or Hartman or anybody as gospel. DEATH OF THE AUTHOR, PEOPLE!

VLD, much like YOI, is shaky in its presentation - Shiro died and gone through much. Remember VLD had been accused of queerbaiting when the LGBT rep was not obvious.

Like it's great the Shiro is LGBTQ+, but we were not perfect of all representations or reached the pinnacle. America is still struggling to represent the marginalized.

It's great to be inclusive but we are still walking the path. It won't be an immediate success at rep.

For better or worse, we are in history. I want to get off the ride...while also wanting to watch everything burn with Belgium and Swiss chocolates in hand. Probably both because I seriously want to eat my favorite foreign chocolates. Better than American chocolates anyhow. I've been craving octopus for a while now

America still got a long way to go until we reached the level that showed that they walked the walk.

LGBT representation had to ease into the current sensibilities, for the better or worse. That meant that for now, certain experiences won't be shown unless it was explicit and examine its implications.

This is totally different from ships. Like people can ship their problematic/unhealthy/whatever ships they can like.

But when it comes to rep, it's hard. People especially the community would scrutinize and argue whether or not it's fine and so on.

In the current state of affairs I guess, people can only take the surface level at best. Because in the current climate, better what they are given than having the worst.

It's good to be inclusive. If have any criticism towards implications, please say it to the creators and writers where they had to know. If they did not listen, best to just move away from them and create your own. What's done is done and all you had in your hands is to create your own, not to rely on others to create it for you. 
Now we gotta know what it might mean for Lancey Lance here.

I have to point out the creators are trolls and cannot reveal important information. However, on that same note, they did lie and also reveal necessary stuff. They did reveal stuff - Keith is now permanently the Black Lion's Paladin while Shiro retired, for example - and said stuff that would leave people guessing - a slow burn romance ala Korrasami.

I saw this fandom bashed LM for so goddamn long. I have a question: why bash her specifically? Instead of taking the logical route of understanding her, you took the road of cowardice, bullying someone out of your damn pleasure.

I know the show had been on a downward spiral from the fandom's side of things. Some people were reluctant to continue to watch it due to its writing alone. I am, but mostly due to the writers' sliding scale of quality. While better scripted and storyboarded than SU, I would rather watch VLD than SU and that's because SU is increasingly exasperating me and SU is now switched with VLD for a show I won't watch for the time being until the show itself ended. The fandom, again, is one of the most vitriol ever and I have seen the Naruto and Steven Universe fandom.

Now, all we need was Lance's thing in LGBTQ+ and would fulfill what was needed.

There's a slow burn romance and only Lance would be involved, given his emphasis on finding the perfect person just for him.

It could only be Lance.

And his only endgame had two candidates: Keith and Allura.

And that's all I will say in that matter.

So now it's Sheith shippers' problems. They would rather make Adam a villain than appreciate Shiro had a boyfriend at all.

Nope, all they care about is their ship.

Listen, Sheith in canon is shot dead. In the first episode of the seventh season, it once again pushed that the two are brothers and nothing else. The show could not afford to write a gay teacher/student relationship in America's transitioning into LGBT representation.

I don't care about Sheith because I'm not drawn to it. If you ship it, go forth! Don't worry about canon because you don't need canon for your ship. Canon may help but again, canon literally meant nothing in shipping.

Shipping is supposed to be fun, not a contest of maturity! Nor is it activism!

For a long-ass time, I never seen ships held on a pedestal as some activism symbol, not even Holmes X Watson or Spirk! And those two are some of the oldest slash ships to date! Do not use your ship as some kind of activism for LGBT!

That is until the advent of blogs. The 'purity' of fandoms is increasingly one of my berserk buttons in this fandom.

Just that Shiro being a disabled former leader, compassionate and great, chronically ill - formerly now that the Galra healed him - and LGBTQ+ on top of that. That was great and it would be great to have solidarity in-story if we see him interact with Lance. That was a good representation.

Having the contest of maturity in shipping is just stupid. I don't see Eruri fans paint themselves as more mature for shipping two adult men together or even Victuuri fans.

I will not control any shipper on what they should ship or not. Arguing amongst themselves about whose ship was healthier was just grating because again, it's one of the modern trends - having a canon healthy ship when there was no need to.

Literally, I saw brothers shipped with each other, fathers with sons, mothers with sons, sisters, and so on.

Did I care about those ships then? No, I don't. They can ship whatever they want as long as they don't hurt others for having kinks and/or shipping something they don't.

And the current modern trends in fandom should die in a fire. It's making fandom looking less inviting than it usually was. And what usually was what fandom was before the advent of blogs and such.

I've been on the internet and reading stuff in FFN since I was thirteen. I saw tags in FFN that says rape and other tags that outright say don't like the summary, don't read it.

Shippers in the Voltron fandom, Sheithers, Klancers, Allurancers, Kalluras, Shancers, anybody in that fandom who insists their ship will be canon, don't twist canon for your ship. It will be harmful to your ship. Just ship and have your own bubbles in your own goddamn lanes.

Do I twist canon for my Shizaya needs? No, I don't. It certainly does not help that canon was willing to tease it, even when Izaya left Ikebukuro leaving Shizuo bored and restless.

But do you see me pushing Shizaya as the canon couple in DRRR? Do you see anybody pushing Ereri or Eruri as the couple to ship and should be the only couple you ship in the entire fandom? Disregarding the entire fandom's varied opinions?

I don't ship Shizorona but rather Namirona. And I don't see anybody pushing it down my throat that I should ship Shizuorona as the better couple.

In the same fandom where Celty X Shinra was the most recognized ship, there is still Shinzaya for Godoka's sake and that ship is popular. Even when Shizaya was the most recognized ship alongside Celty x Shinra, nobody was trying to deny shippers the fun, not even Narita.

How about Hetalia? It had a big ship war and yet at its core, nobody parades themselves as the more mature one for shipping something that has mature/unhealthy/whatever implications. For all its problems in their shipping wars, at least I can see that the ship wars there looked comparably normal to VLD which looked more like a war zone every passing day.

Sheithers, don't see Adam as an enemy to your ship. Ship Sheith in your heart's content. What's done is done in canon. You can still create fanworks for your Sheith needs.

Do I have to point you to your so-called worst enemy, Klance? The ship had taken blows in the couple recent seasons but the entire Klance shipping fandom is still going.

The Shizaya fandom had taken a blow at the Ketsu ending/Final Curtain arc but do you see Shizaya dying down anytime soon? If you see AO3, you see that there are fics updated often just as Klance is.

This might be your first 'obstacle' to your Sheith but does it have to bother you to the point you'd rather have someone else be the villain when there shouldn't be the need to?

I don't see Shatt fans acting this way, but the Sheithers are. So get out of your disgusting mindset, Sheithers.

Sheithers, don't paint Adam as the villain. Appreciate that Shiro and he were boyfriends, to begin with, not to usher your ship as so-called healthier of the two ships.

Ship whatever the fuck you want. Don't let canon decide what you want when you can write fanfiction and create other fanworks. You guys, canon does not even matter when it comes to shipping. Yes, it would be great to have IC fanworks which are the point when fanon interpretation gets out of whack - looks at the VLD fandom's interpretations of Keith witheringly. However, when it comes to shipping, canon does not matter. Don't view Adam as a so-called obstacle for the so-called canon of your ship. Appreciate Adam existed and that Shiro is LGBTQ+.

Do not let your ship be your pervading thought in everything in Voltron.

Let others enjoy their ships, let them enjoy the show, and don't parade yourself as the mature one for shipping something that others don't. Enjoy the representation VLD even has than your own petty meaningless ship. Despite my opinion on the writing on VLD, I was willing to stick to the end so I can give it my entire judgment.

You don't need to validate anything nor do you have to 'prove' yourself as a bigger person. You seriously don't in your shipping. If you ship Sheith just fine, go ahead and ship. Don't harass other people for simply shipping something you don't.

Do I bother Shizorona fans or Eruri shippers for shipping something I don't? No. Why should I?

Does the Pokeshippers bother Advanceshippers or Pearlshippers? No, they don't. Why should they?

Do Zosan shippers bother Sanami fans or ZoLu fans? No, they don't. Why should they?

But in the VLD fandom, the shippers bothered each other to the point of toxicity.

As for the Shadam/Adashi shippers, go forth and create whatever you desire! Do not care about others had to say about your ship including insults! Create!

I've been watching this. I still need adjustment to their long necks.

Unison Square Garden was still great.

Please, be known that the list below was only the VLD equivalent.

Character - Arcana

Shiro - Death

Keith - Chariot -> Fool

Lance - Chariot -> Magician

Pidge - Wheel of Fortune

Hunk - Temperance

Allura - Judgment

Coran - Hierophant

Romelle - Hanged Man

Krolia - Empress

Lotor - Judgment

Haggar - Tower

Zarkon - Devil

Shay - Sun

Monday, July 16, 2018

Detective Conan Speculations

So I haven't read or seen Detective Conan in some time now. I didn't drop it, mind you, because I don't drop series. I merely pick off where I left off. For example, even if I am not a fan of The Big Bang Theory, I know where I would pick off last in order to give my full opinion.

Admittedly, long runners would be tiring. I'm gonna pick up on OP somewhere in the Reverie arc since the remaining Strawhats arrived in Wano now.

I'm going off-topic.

But let's go!

We got the boss's name, the BO's true name, and the Rum arc currently ongoing. Aside from the fact we're in some murder case which is rather gory right now, the major plotlines are what we should be concerned about.

I was really surprised when we learned the boss's name and one mentioned in an old chapter too. Aoyama stated that the boss had been name-dropped before, mentioned if I recalled correctly...not appeared in person. Technically, the guy a silhouette.

So yeah knowing that this guy supposed to have been dead for half a century with money to burn and one evil guy who was perfectly willing to sacrifice anyone in his way, innocent or otherwise. He's the Moriarity to Shinichi's Holmes. Hey, at least Shinichi got to act out his Holmes fantasy at a major cost.

We can already guess Vermouth is a part of his plan for immortality/antiaging/shrinking just by her youth alone. So by that logic, she must be related in some form to Karasuma.

I think we're in the final legs of DC right now. I mean we don't know how far we are to the finish line. However, there's a difference between this and One Piece. In One Piece, I have no clue; I have an idea of returning characters and islands...but I have no clue about future islands. Who knows? Maybe we are going to travel to the Red Line for the Sniper Kingdom.

I'm digressing again...

I wanted Bourbon to be loyal to BO while also being close to Conan. I guess we got that with Rum. I mean Rum is close in proximity to Conan enough to antagonize him. Like not publically but the presence is enough for Conan to feel, even without Haibara's sensory.

I get the idea of involving the Japanese Special Defense because not involving the Japanese at this point would make them look stupid. I get characters not getting the complicated ways of murders the Metropolitan or common detectives like Kogoro could not solve without some help. I get gathering the smartest characters in the entire series for a plan. I get characters not telling another in order to get a genuine response to a plan.

Having American-born Japanese is one thing but a true Japanese born help solving the case is another. Even if we are following the Silver Bullet who would bring down the BO, there would still be an authority that would help destroy it. Not involving the Japanese authority even at the highest at this point would be bad.

I wonder if they would involve the Interpol too... We are getting Amuro's superior apparently...

Plotwise, it seemed strong. Admittedly, I have only been seeing the romances plot, backstory plot, and main overarching plot/BO arcs. Skipping the typical murder plots would be discouraging but I needed the plot at this point, not cases that would just demonstrate Conan's smarts. Even if the plot just gathered overpowered smart people together. I'd much rather have multiple levels of intelligence in one place but have their functions like sprouting out things the smart people never thought of but hit the nail nonetheless. I want those kinds of intellect but I want to have the Watsons in the team to assist the situation just as much as the Holmes/Queens/whatever in the cases.

In terms of death, I don't see a future in sight for Vermouth and Gin. I can see a lot of people like Chianti and Vodka staying in prison and not breaking out. Gin is the type of character to break out of jail and commit crimes again.

So yeah, in terms of death on the BO's side, Vermouth and Gin. Possibly others who are too loyal to their boss and crime spree.

On our heroes' side, anyone who has a romantic partner is out of the running. I don't think Megure would count but the superintendents do. It has to be major so maybe Megure's boss could be a candidate.

I don't think Kogoro should count as a candidate. Remember about Eri here. The romances in Detective Conan pointed too much at a happy ending. I have to point that out: the romances are too definitive and hammered. I love Sato X Takagi, my favorite pair out of all the police couplings in the series just because I loved how developed they are and good they are for each other; I can't see Aoyama break apart romances unless they are a one-shot character in a case. Even if technically he broke up couples from DEAD pals of his main characters, it still remained the fact that he would want the current couplings to be happy. We worked too damn hard for Kogoro not to die in the end. Although the timeline took place in less than a year, still in a more realistic setting (complicated murders aside, Apotoxin and disguise without a voice changer is not one bit realistic. Considering that DC takes place in the same world as Magic Kaitou, a world that undoubtedly has magic - looks at Akako, Pandora Gem... - you know that this world is not quite as realistic one might hope to be), the fact Conan, Haibara, and Kogoro not going to die due to cancer or poisoning should still be there. However, happy ending, folks so no cancer or poisoning for our main protagonists.

Aoyama stated it would be a happy ending so I think that while they'll be major deaths in the heroes' side, that side would suffer a bittersweet one while the villains would suffer the most including Vermouth.

Look, I love Vermouth. I just don't see a future for her. Repentant or otherwise, her arc pointed to death. Her youth, her goals, and her noble qualities have to mean something.

On the FBI/CIA/JSD's side, some superiors maybe. James Black or/and Andre Camel is a likely victim. Given how much we know about Jodie, it's unlikely she'll die.

I don't think Akai Shuichi will die in the end. That would ruin the point of having a happy Akai family again since the family was fractured.

Admittedly, I am surprised about just how low or naive Jodie and Ran had become. Seriously, I think I could tell Ran an apocalypse would come on Christmas Eve of 2016, she'll believe me. I'm not even joking. I love Ran but her naivety was getting too much even for a high school teenage girl. I wasn't this naive. Conan, despite his efforts, was horrid about keeping secrets. Seriously, I think Takagi still kept in mind of the "I'll tell the next life" moment. The police listened to him and probably had a running joke, aside from the morbid joke that Kogoro might be a Shinigami, that Conan should start acting how he should act instead of falsifying a kid's behavior when he should. I get that they wouldn't put two and two together about a fantastical drug that shrunk a teenager into a kid or an adult into a middle schooler but they know enough of Conan to know he's not a kid by a stretch of the imagination. It's not like Haibara made any hints that she's creepy as fuck. She reportedly acted like a mini adult.

Digressing again.

Seriously, Ran's naivety was less than pleasing for her character. I love Momiji but I don't find her character as exasperating as Ran.

I get that Ran is supposed to be this angel that shouldn't be tainted. But when she had a part in a BO plot namely the Vermouth portion, it's annoying. She wouldn't be innocent forever. She saw dead bodies since Conan became part of her family. She won't stay in the shadows forever.

Conan is horrid about keeping secrets. Much more now that he and Ran are now a couple. I damn expect Ran to know or suspect something wrong that Conan and his crew cannot stop or consider. If I were her, I would be suspicious again when Conan appeared at my restaurant date with Shinichi. This time, I would keep silent about my suspicions and gather more evidence. I won't care about Haibara wearing a Conan disguise because my guts instinct points to Conan is Shinichi. Even if I am hurt Shinichi is lying to me, I would wait for him to come to me and tell the truth. A reason why I love this xxxHolic/DC crossover so much.

I just want Ran to become a bigger part of the plot and to be less naive. If the Kudos, Amuro, and Akais are part of the big plot so can she. Even if her part was simply the morality pet of multiple characters and a civilian.

I do think I can tell anything and she'll believe me. Even apocalypses where Persona-users are trying desperately to save the goddamn world. I could tell her the Third Impact is coming and she'll believe me. I can tell her anything from the end of the fucking world from multiple series or to even saying the fucking purgatory existed or even Santa Claus is true and living in Finland. Even when she shouldn't.

That is how badly I think her naivety had gotten. She may not be a detective but no teenage girl should be this naive. It just puts a target on her head from scammers.

As for Jodie, I just want her to be badass again. I get Kir though because her appearances were limited and moreover spying. I get Vermouth because she's still the Vermouth I love with noble qualities. She's no Akemi or Haibara because I don't think ruthlessness would not exist without her in the picture. I understood some characters don't have the same information or network as others since the Akais seemed to be working on their own problem.

But you know, just gather all your overpowered male detectives as well as Yukiko in one corner for a plot development that other characters need to know like say the fucking FBI and CIA. Get together with everyone and pool your information. Amuro knows the Americans are in Japan so get the fucking move on. Gather your numbers and information. I doubt the BO would consider anyone bringing them down any time soon.

Just Jodie... Jodie... Her importance was so limited, much more because of her backstory. We don't know anything about Camel or Black but we know about Starling.

All we get from Jodie was longing for Akai. Now that she knows Akai is alive, she should get out of that rut, right? I get that you suffer from a breakup that you didn't get over nor did Akai got over his lover's death. I just want more out of Jodie.

I am not expecting a vengeful rampaging Jodie since she's more professional than that. Her importance in the story so far was a longing for Akai and some help in plot...but not much else. I want Aoyama to break the mold like how Narita wrote his women. Till this day, I love Namie and her savagery. I want to write a character like Namie one day because she is utterly amazing. Although I don't like his writing of Vorona since his writing did not break anything regarding her archetype unlike how he broke the archetypes of his other important characters, his characters played important roles to each other and the plot development.

I just want Jodie's story to be back in dramatic fashion. I want an intensity between Vermouth and Jodie as much as Gin and Akai. I would understand you would want to avoid the designated cat fight but give me anything at least. I would have anything at this point to have Jodie be awesome again, not this headache-inducing gal.

While Detective Conan is one of my favorite manga, it's far down the list. Like it's still pretty good. Again, there are flaws that need to be done, preferably over the official couple and writing of the ladies. Far too much focus on the romances there. Not even ACD's Sherlock Holmes focused on the romantic aspect and thank god for that.

I don't mind the romances because I love the romances including the recent Yumi X Haneda Shukichi. Although some of the romances were wearying like Chiba X Naeko because it is becoming tiring to see childhood friends get together at this point. I want someone to meet someone new and become a relationship there which is why I am so invested in Sato X Takagi and Yumi X Shukichi. I don't want childhood friends' romances at this point in DC. It's one thing if they met once before but it's another when they spent their lives together which is why I liked one case where a blind lady tried to find a boy known to eat ginger. Even one meeting as kids should suffice. Seriously, I don't mind high school romances because they aren't childhood friends at least which is why I'm partially invested in Sonoko X Makoto. Give me anything not childhood friends in this series and I'll be happy.

I want the adventure with just a tad bit of romance, not the romance being the focal point. I can tell in the current murder case was to help that police officer romance. Just like the appearance of Momiji for the HeiKazu romance. When it comes to romances in DC, it's like a flashing neon sign. You can tell what the endgames are therefore you can tell who or what or how the couple would proceed.

On that note, I think I wouldn't mind a romance story, like entirely romance focused, for Gosho Aoyama's next work. Even if it's only a one-shot. It seemed aside from mystery, he focused on the romances just as much and pairing everyone off as best as he can with the exception of the little kids. Even with definitive ships, there is the ship tease he did like ConAi.

From what I saw shipping-wise from this fandom, there were fewer fights about what one must ship since everyone literally knows the endgames so they ship fanon ships whatever they like ShinHei or ShinKai.

To which I say: Thank Godoka.

I'm not as big as shipper as I used to be. Like I'm drawn to certain ships but overall, I don't ship much nowadays. It's not because of the current trends in fandoms which I happily lampooned for their stupidity in something as meaningless as shipping.

I'm probably just going to put an updated Arcana here for Detective Conan. This might be a new thing so this would be recent. Of course, as more characters develop, the more added.

Arcana - Character

Shinichi Kudo/Conan Edogawa - Justice (on one hand, his sense of justice but then there is his continuous lying in the face of the truth he would ardently pursue. It's very likely I won't pick Judgment for this guy. While he undoubtedly changed when he's Conan (preferring a lower presence in media and less egotistic), his sense of justice was way too strong... While he had let would-be murderers go in some instances, the fact he's a detective and his sense of justice and motivation was too close to justice. It's not to say that he's childlike in that because Katsuya Suou represented the Justice arcana too. Listen, it's not because of age but circumstances in life and relationships with others were what the arcana represents.

Ran Mouri - Empress

Heiji Hattori - Magician 

Kazuha - Chariot

Momiji - Lovers

Ai Haibara/Shiho Miyano - Judgment

Shuichi Akai - Hanged Man

Jodie Starling - Lovers (unfortunately, her current mobility is this. Like before, I would have gladly chosen the Priestess in reference of Vermouth but nope. It just didn't feel right)

Sera Masumi - Magician

Takagi Wataru - Temperance

Sato Miwako - Wheel of Fortune

Akai/Haneda Shukichi - Emperor

Vermouth - Priestess

Gin - Emperor

Amuro Tooru/Rei Furuya - Hermit

Renya Karasuma - Devil

Eri Kisaki - Strength

Kogoro Mouri - Moon

Yukiko Kudo - Star 

Yusaku Kudo - Hierophant

Shiratori - Sun

Agasa - Temperance

Genta Kojima - Magician 

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya - Temperance

Ayumi Yoshida - Star

Sonoko Suzuki - Lovers

Dr. Tomoaki Araide - Hierophant

Makoto Kyoguku - Justice

Akako - Priestess

Kaito Kuroba - Wheel of Fortune

Aoko - Chariot

Jirokichi Suzuki - Devil

Eisuke Hondo - Justice

Rena Mizunashi/Hidemi Hondo - Chariot/Moon

Friday, July 13, 2018

My Future Japan Travels

Listen, when I get a decent enough job and stable enough that I can travel the world, I will splurge my money on practical merch alongside games.

My cousin went with her boyfriend to France, Germany, and Japan. It's in my wish bucket to go to Japan and experience everything there from the onsen to the Otome Road to Pokemon Centers, damn the prices. Yeah, I want to experience Japan....everything including staying in a capsule hotel. In all likelihood, I need to stay there for the whole of summer vacation. If I must, I can try to stay there weekly or probably a minimum of ten days throughout the year seasonally: 5 Days in the city like Osaka/Tokyo/Kyoto and then 5 Days in the countryside.

Even though I want to travel the world, my dearest wish was to visit Japan seasonally. My parents, my brother, my cousins, everybody in my family knows about this. Especially the cousin who went to Japan with her boyfriend.

Seriously, I'm gonna need a second suitcase just to carry my purchases back home. Yeah, I'm gonna go crazy buying stuff in stores like the Pokemon Center, Akihabara, and Nakano Broadway.

I would try street food, convenience stores, and so much more in Japan you cannot believe. I'll be spending my money like water if I get to Japan. No, it's a promise I'm gonna spend so much money.

My itinerary would include the obvious geek culture visitations sites as well as cultural sites. I will build an entire schedule to also fit into the train, extra luggage (I think I need to visit Don Quijote shop only for buying that extra suitcase) and passes. That is how much I want to my the best of my travels in Japan.

I just want a group of friends or family to travel to Japan with me because I don't think it'll be fun alone.

I'll need to get airtight plastic bags just for the plushies because I made it my mission to buy a cushion plushy.

I'll likely wake up early too just to ease my day into everything I need to do.

So basically I'll visit Japan's sights in particular order:
  1. Pokemon Center Mega Tokyo, Skytree, Kyoto, Yokohama, and Osaka - I'll make it my goal to buy something of interest, even if it'll cost me a boatload. I'll be likely buying one huge plushie there as in the cushion plushy. Out of them all, I wanted to visit Mega Tokyo in Ikebukuro, Kyoto, and Osaka the most. 
  2. Akihabara: Magikarp taiyaki, visit shops there including the retro game store
  3. Nakano Broadway 
  4. Otome Road
  5. Jump Shop - I'm a big shounen girl. I like shoujo just fine but my first love of manga will always be shounen. 
  6. Don Quijote - extra suitcase 
  7. Visit temples, famous ones too; get a fortune there. Will not keep a bad luck one 
  8. try food: crepes, curry, izakaya, street food, 
  9. visit onsen and stay in a ryokan
  10. try local food like sushi, sashimi, donburi, shaved ice, udon, ramen, ikayaki, takoyaki, soba... 
  11. rent a Kimono for a day in Kyoto 
  12. try the Ichiban Kuji lottery
  13. try Purikura
  14. try arcade games as in visit the retro game arcade. I don't think I would do crane games. 
  15. try vending machines - useful ones only and drinks upon necessary. Wanna try the sake vending machine. Probably my first drink in Japan too. 
  16. visit one of the animal cafe - dogs, cats, rabbits, hedgehogs...
  17. go to a Japanese festival
I'll likely buy souvenirs but I'll spend things just for me.

Of the Anime/Manga/Games and I know a lot so....: I'm not even gonna italicize. Might be getting gachapon for some of them if I can find them although I'm definitely getting large merch for most of them
  1. Hetalia - I want all the nations but depending on what I want, England or Romano
  2. FMA - Like I want a lot of characters but preferably Riza or Roy
  3. Digimon - Tai, Takato, and Takuya are my top priority. On the girls' side, 
  4. Osomatsu-san - specifically Karamatsu because I love him out of the brothers 
  5. Pokemon - I'll get what I can... Godoka, I want a lot of Pokemon and probably something for the Pokeani too
  6. CLAMP - CCS or Tokyo Babylon. I love many others but I'm prioritizing those two. 
  7. Madoka Magica - probably just a gacha though because I want a Soul Gem but I also want something Godoka
  8. Persona series - I want merch across the series but I wanna get something Aigis 
  9. Detective Conan - gonna get Kid. Seriously, Kid merch is basically my only goal in terms of this series. I won't mind Sato or Ran but anything Magic Kaito is my goal; Kid is still a top priority. 
  10. gonna get something Boys' Love 
  11. Sailor Moon - I already had two Sailor Moon merchandise - I specifically asked my cousin to buy me the metal ones of the purses, not the cheap bootleg ones. I am definitely going to the Sailor Moon shop in Harajuku and spend at least thirty minutes. 
  12. Haikyuu
  13. One Piece - wanna get something Strawhats, Law, Zoro, Ace and Sanji but I definitely going to get something Zoro because I want something Zoro. I'm a Zosan shipper so I want to get something with just the two of them but I'll also likely get a Monster Trio merch. I'm definitely shopping at the Mugiwara Store in Shibuya. I'm gonna get a Sanji wanted poster pre-time skip because I love that joke so much. I want a Dracule Mihawk merch too... So basically for now: Mihawk, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Strawhats, Law, and Vivi. Because of course, Vivi would be on the list because I love her way too much. Probably Nami and Robin too... But Vivi is my goddess in OP so she's gonna be the priority over any girls merch in the entire shop. 
  14. Ghibli? - I don't mind visiting the Totoro cafe, especially trying out the cream puffs. I'm more of a fan of Princess Mononoke than Totoro. 
  15. Bungou Stray Dogs - I would love merch of the ADA mostly but I will favor Chuuya in the mix. 

Of the things, I will buy to take home: NO TOYS AND FIGURINES. I'm a practical buyer, only buying plushies when the temptation gets too much. I'm not a collector of figurines since I think I'm not that type of person. I'm more the type to collect small chibis or accessories. I bought a small State Alchemist years previous and attached it to my Samantha Vega Sailor Moon purse to differentiate from my cousin's purse whom she puts fluffballs on it.
  1. cushion plushy
  2. probably one plushie
  3. Towels - hand, bath, handkerchief
  4. Apron and/or oven mitts
  5. Thermo Bottle
  6. Phone case
  7. letter opener - I fell in love with the Uranus Sword Opener 
  8. a blind box because that looks awesome. Maybe one from each store like from the Mugiwara shop, Sailor Moon if they had any, Nakano, and Pokemon Center. I had a blind bag before when I went to Little Tokyo with friends and got a Riza keychain. 
  9. Charms? - I'm more likely to attach it to my purses and pouches. As if my family and friends can't see that I am this big about this. My cousin is a huge cat fan so she buys things all cats. I'm likely to buy across the merch mentioned above. 

Souvenirs side of things: On my end of souvenirs, it's loads of stuff I'm visiting from what mentioned above.
  1. KitKat
  2. cookies - I'll use the tin box because I'll get the cutest tin box and after it used up, I'll store something in there, maybe my merch I want to keep out of reach of others. I still kept my two Sailor Moon merchandise in their respective bags because I don't want to damage it. THAT is how bad I want to protect my merchandise. Seriously, if I ever get a good bookshelf, then I would make damn sure to clean it. 
  3. magnets? - probably going to get them for my family as a commemorative piece...probably something like Tokyo Tower 
  4. I'm more of a practical buyer again so I don't think my parents would find it useful to have magnets other than a decorative piece. My cousin who went to Florida with her husband, daughter, mother, and aunt (my aunts) came home with magnets. It's a trademark of hers. My other cousin who went with her boyfriend to Japan was more of a practical buyer; she specifically bought her sister a desk lamp to better help her in her drawing. 

Events I would go if I could arrange:
  1. Sailor Moon exhibit
  2. Pikachu Outbreak Fest
  3. a Japanese festival
  4. USJ for the One Piece 
  5. One Piece Tokyo Tower
For right now, this is what I want for my travels to Japan.

I want to visit other places too like England and France but for right now, I'll place this trip as inevitable. Like, I don't want to travel anywhere else in the States. I would love to visit historical sites but I definitely prefer to visit Spain or Italy more than the US any day of the week. Probably exclude Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and New York because my other family member lives in PA and NV.

I might make a future trip to Hawaii or Spain or Italy or England or France or anywhere else I like to visit.