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Like that note said, this version is different from others. |
This is not a post to dissuade readers from ABO. This is not a slam about ABO's inherent -isms. I'm actually don't know how to categorize this post. On some level, it's commentary but also not since, despite some details, I don't actually care much of this.
Here is a rule of any fandom and simply casual fans, no gatekeeping: do not ruin others' enjoyment because of the flaws in said thing. You can make them understand the inherent -isms but you must not disallow their enjoyment and creativity. Because believe it or not, ABO is a niche and on the Internet only.
If you enjoy it, good for you! We need less hate - understand that I did not say criticism when it can be well-deserved - and more hope and confidence and love. Spite can be a good motivator for good storytelling or just making things right. I'm pretty sure in the VLD fandom now, there is a lot of spite to make rewrites and fix-its. If you had spite, good for you I guess... Just remember that you need love and heart to go with it.
Heck, the only reason I ever read ABO in the first place is two things: worldbuilding and mpreg. I know that Vulcans' Pon Farr is one of the seeds that were laid in the soil to allow Omegaverse to grow in the first place.
I want to point out one thing: It's an Internet creation. It's a freaking niche despite its seeming popularity. I find it hilarious that people tried to stop it as if it's a real thing that's spreading in the real world. Like people would go out and seek ABO when there's porn. I know this because I know people would seek out porn than a porn-fic of ABO Spirk. I don't react much to smut anyway - stone-faced! - and porn just makes me feel queasy because regardless of actors, they are still having sex in front of me and I don't want to see anyone's sexual congress. When like all things in fanworks, it's a fan creation that somehow became reasonably popular on the Internet.
For me, I was personally surprised at the sudden spike of mpreg. I want to read mpreg and the good ones the better. So what if it's ABO? I just want to read mpreg.
There is nothing wrong to have males in female problems and females in male problems. There is nothing wrong with exploring that. Sometimes, it might even be cathartic like writing pregnancy issues, the ones who are not smooth by any stretch of the definition and having a complicated birth.
There is nothing wrong with exploration. I think that's a major excitement about ABO. There is catharsis in fiction that many find appealing to just release in the malleable world they can create.
ABO is very malleable. It can be whatever you make of it. You can make it smash patriarchy or explore patriarchy and try to break out of it. You can make it similar enough to the real-world issues of sexism and homophobia - note that these are the two -isms lobbed at ABO by critics and those who hate it. There are no strict templates, especially on the Internet where free speech runs rampant.
I think that's one of the appeals of it: catharsis, not just sexually, but also reflecting ours. That is what I think fiction ultimately is, a reflection of our reality, no matter how distorted and crazy our imagination can get.
I would defend people's catharsis in fiction. In some shape or form, it is escapism as well as releasing emotions by getting invested in the characters and plot.
But there is a line and that is saying these fictional characters are hurt in some way or form. Stop saying that these guys need to be protected. It's okay if you like them or hate them or anything. Just stop saying these fictional characters has rights like human beings. I rolled my eyes whenever that happened that look these insults or criticism is hurting the character. That is deflecting criticism and not a good way to do it.
Not to mention the consent issues thing with the inherent rapey nature of ABO. So yeah, people can either just make it porny because that's all there is to explore their sexuality. Better that than hurting actual people with rape. There is a difference between a rape fantasy - which is quite common - and committing the crime of rape. One explores sex and the other hurts. Rape is horrid and disgusting. It's after all the worst possible crime of sexual crimes.
I'm always sex-positive and would defend people's blooming sexuality. However, I do not want to know what they do in the bedroom. As long as they don't hurt - too much; I know BDSM and other pain kinks of every variety. People do get off in so many strange ways I'm frankly desensitized about whatever crazy kinks you enjoy. I do not want to know anything. - and/or kill their companion, then it's all good. Practice safe sex which includes aftercare as well as knows your sex ed! The last thing I need is to have my brother worry about getting his girlfriend pregnant again.
Is it going off-topic?
It's not like it's going to be a part of actual porn that is known to the world. Is everyone in the world knows about ABO and would contribute it in some form? Are you nuts? People have more to worry than something the Internet creates. People are more inclined to know memes than something porny. People are far more inclined to find porn than an Internet created porn thing. The Internet already has porn and fanfiction porn of ABO is just a scratch on the porn hell. It's not even a dent on the actual porn that exists. There are porn sites for the love of Godoka! Porn-fics about ships are probably the 'tamest' of the actual porn out there. Seriously, why the fuck would they get off on porn fics when porn videos on all its visual glory would suffice? I know this because I highly doubt my brother and his friends would seek fanfiction of Spirk porn. I would seek it out when the mood gets to me but I know the general preference was to have actual porn. Actual porn from the industry. People are far more likely to know porn - with escorts and the red light district and the x-rated stuff. Seriously, why the hell are they going to look at fanfiction as some sort of alternative unless it is better there and they can explore their sexuality through malleable characters whom they identify or reinterpret to better satisfy their urges? I prefer for them to explore sexuality through fiction.
From the way I see it especially since ABO is a niche unto itself, porn is not going to go into the plot at all. Many people including Lindsay Ellis preferred their plotless porn. Cinema Snob who reviewed porn had so much poorly written porn that won't win any Academy Awards any time soon. And he reviewed the bad ones.
If you want good porn with plot, just search for it. I'm not gonna recommend any because I don't wanna know.
Just that there is porn that one can find online. Without a credit card or account even. I know this because the sites I go around on has porn ads. And that's the site where I generally try to find doujinshi.
Seriously, there's porn that people are more aware of than something the Internet created. Look, even though I barely understand the current lingo of the Internet now - salty, tea, etc - I'm pretty sure ABO would just end up as one of those things that the general public who aren't involved with fandoms care about. That is just how inconsequential ABO actually is, just as much as shipping. People are aware of shipping and fandoms in general. Niches of niches aren't gonna be well-known. Modern coffee au's - I prefer tea houses - are kinda known to the point beginner typically are coffee shops. They get the basic idea of what fandom does with cons and selling and the works. I think people are aware of conventions most of the time, seeing my cousin - who isn't the biggest anime ever while her boyfriend of nearly three years is - went to Anime Expo and bought various Sailor Moon merch including the purses I currently using.
It might seem like I'm defending ABO. Honestly, I don't care about it either way since it's something just so Internet it's barely a blip on my radar. Hell, even now when ABO is reasonably popular for stories to pop up. I don't look much into the idea of ABO beyond what I wanted and that is mpreg. I don't think a lot of people would care much about it when they just wanna have creativity. If it's ABO, then that's great. Just don't hurt other people for something you don't enjoy. Think of it as food for Godoka's sake. I prefer to eat mildly spicy food at best but I won't touch spicy dishes unless my life depends on it. It's not quite as popular as coffee shops but still enough to garner fascination. This is not a commentary on ABO or anything like it. I mentioned what it is but I doubt this post is commentary. It's just my perception of ABO and what do people think they are, fighting against this when we should change society first? Even if it's a slow pace? Because humanity changing is going to be a snail's pace to the finish line. It's going to take a long, long time for any media to move towards respectful representation without all the toxic tropes such as Bury Your Gays and Kill the Black Guy First. Because from what I know about humanity, it would take generations for habits to phase out and in.
Y'know, before the eradication of humanity via some catastrophic disaster of global warming or our planet-killing us in god knows how many years or space killing us with one big meteor.
Hopefully, humans get their act together before their extinction.
At times like these where political turmoil is so rampant even in social circles in social media, I would honestly want to eat good food. And one drink of alcohol. Because I'd rather not get drunk no matter what. Seriously, I made it a point to eat lots before drinking alcohol. Even visiting something that specialized in alcohol like wine or beer, I'd prefer to eat before going in there. Even if there are serving something good to pair with it. I'm craving sushi and octopus. I don't care if it's octopus pasta or takoyaki or tako tamago or tako sushi or tako sashimi. I just want octopus and sushi. I also want eel, either Taiwanese eel noodles or Japanese grilled eel or just even eel sushi. I tasted eel sushi once on a family gathering - as in my entire extended family at least located in the state of California - went out to eat dinner. And those are rare. I loved eel sushi ever since and would try to get my hands on it if I can, grilled or sushi/sashimi. Please, note that I will eat sushi a few times in my life because just how filling it felt. If there are Japanese food I would happily eat in a restaurant and ask for seconds, it's soba, preferably cold. Because if it's hot like in a soup, then I won't ask for seconds. On street food like any of the -yakis, I'll prefer to eat them once in a while. I really want to try the savory treats at a Japanese festival more than I do the sweet ones.
All I want to do before going to eat my cravings, I'll find a way to kill the entire ant colony. The ant invasion is not fun, especially when my dad kept using ineffective methods to kill them. His methods would be fine if it's one or two but not when there is a large number that kept coming back.
...Almost my entire family is in the medical business. My brother planned to be a dentist and many are nurses. There are a couple of doctors - some actually went to pursue other jobs like in the computer or white-collar jobs. I'm an odd one with my pursuit to become a published writer.
I am worried about Recovery Girl and other healing quirked Heroes in MHA world. Medical is a highly specialized field. Hell, there is a reason why Doctor Strange himself is a neurosurgeon and not a pediatrician. There is a reason why midwifery is different from fucking EMT.
We don't even know if any of the healing Heroes actually have a degree when the medical business has a hierarchy. I know this because my cousins discussed it during a family gathering when they tell each other about their experiences in the workplace. There is a difference between magic and actual Quirks. Like FMA, Quirks has its own rules. Magic required suspension of disbelief which is why I can suspend my disbelief about Sun Flames' healing capabilities in the hands of Mafia and it's freaking magic too. Quirks are not magic. They flat-out told us it's biological and just because it's powerful does not mean you can abuse it in the medical workplace. It's the same thing of having the power to abuse your patient just because you can have that power.
I do think of them either a curse or blessing that I prefer to live in a world that doesn't regulate Heroes and Villians like a long-drawn-out soap opera that I can just skip.
I want to think Heroes as superheroes but it failed so much since Heroes are just as the cause of problems in the MHA. I understand imperfection and all that but Heroes shouldn't be held up as a paragon. I believed Spiderman I in Miles Morales' world in Into the Spider-verse is a genuine paragon who is kind and willing to help whatever he can including saving an innocent life. I believed All Might because he is genuinely kind to help out everyone he can within his vicinity. Remember his first appearance was to stop a robber and a would-be killer.
Now just because Recovery Girl has a powerful healing Quirk does not give her the right to have her be the only doctor in the vicinity of UA.
Let's not to mention that Recovery Girl operated on Izuku without his mother's permission. Like, do the Japanese nurses at school operate on their children like it's normal or something? And without the parent or guardian saying so? Because in America, we need consent for underage patients in hospitals. America's health system needs major reforms but at least they have consent forms for parents/guardians about major medical attention like surgeries. I think most of the world used consent forms including JAPAN! So to not have Recovery Girl did not tell his mom, even if by text or quick phone call to get consent. We still don't know if the poor mother even knows about the operation at all. For all she knows, the wound was just a broken limb than something that should take serious medical attention and therefore long rest.
I have a lot of bad things to say about Recovery Girl's refusal to attend to Izuku. Izuku, the same self-destructive guy who was perfectly willing to break his body again and again. She broke the Hippocratic Oath! That is so goddamn important when you are a doctor! If it was to teach Izuku to take care of himself, that failed miserably because the family that specialized in medical business would not take kindly to that because for one, they express concerns and one aunt properly diagnosed carpal tunnel which then my family doctor said it was. So yeah, it's very useful to have a medical family, particularly during flu season where they would then direct us free shots or they would give it themselves.
I'm sorry but I don't trust Recovery Girl to come near me for anything horrible. I'll prefer Ryohei's Sun Flames than the first aid that Recovery Girl should have. If I trust a vigilante over a Hero, then that's pretty bad.
I don't even think she had a degree. I know this because my family has medical degrees hanging on the walls. My cousins outright discussed just how long they had been studying and interning and whatever to get their degrees and get their jobs as doctors. I think she was taught with first-aid classes, probably an EMT job at best. I know this because my family spent years in other states! I haven't seen two cousins in years until recently when they graduated! When I was in middle school, I haven't seen my eldest cousin and my aunt in some years when they went to Massachusetts for her pharmaceutical studies! My cousin flat-out stated that he planned to go to Arizona for more med training which in the end, he did not go but another cousin did - the other cousin who I haven't seen in years! Hell, one of my cousins - again the other one who I haven't seen in years since she been living in Chicago, studying - had the misfortune to be in the place of two hurricanes when she was doing work! Yeah, that's why I don't trust Recovery Girl.
Why study the important things when you have a powerful Quirk? Hell, I don't think she even has a license to practice like my family had in spades.
The most logical and realistic version for Recovery Girl to go door to door in hospitals was if she had the license to practice. It would be weird but strangely and not strangely, Quirks top all logic in MHA apparently. Strong Quirk of heroic or villainous variety, you are still subjected to what the Hero Industry placed on society to the point of illogical insanity. How should Quirks decide a person? It conquered human decency clearly as bullying is so apparent in Izuku and Shinsou's cases.
I'm pretty sure Akiko Yosano in BSD has a license to practice, not just given her history with Doctor Mori. No sane detective agency, especially guided by good and moral leaders, would let an under-qualified doctor in their reach. Unlike Recovery Girl, I feel like I can trust my lives with Akiko and even fucking Mori! Unless Horikoshi showed Recovery Girl with certifications, then I won't say much more about it.
I already have lots of misgivings about the Hero industry beyond the obvious analyses the series already made. I would have preferred to think Heroes as an auxiliary force for the Police had there is something like that. Think SWAT. I mean this is what the Heroes are in Tiger and Bunny.
Y'know it's bad that I prefer to live in Sternbild than MHA world. The Hero industry in MHA world is just making discrimination worse and probably a metaphor for the Japanese in some form or another.
I do think Horikoshi is commentating on the Japanese with his story, even if his story is more realistic and hopeful.
I just hope that my feelings on the Hero Industry aren't unjustified because I would utterly refuse to live that world. Hell, I'll rather be a mafiosa in the Vongola or someone experiencing one of the worst atrocities at the World Government than live in a world of pointless Heroes and Villians.
It just left way too many rooms for speculation. Given how the world is grounded, I highly doubt Recovery Girl actually is an Omni-disciplinary doctor. Based on her refusal alone to treat Izuku anymore, she's just unethical. I can trust Shinra Kishitani because at least he's a prodigy who knows what the fuck he is doing. And he's an underground doctor! He performed plastic surgery as well as being the primary doctor for his friends! I trust the doctors like Chopper and Kureha in One Piece more than I do Recovery Girl. Because they have to be Omni-disciplinary doctors just for the world they live in! The MHA world is grounded so, therefore, Recovery Girl needs to study pre-med in order to get licenses to practice.
...Yeah, my family being in the medical business made me wary about living there. I do not want to be tended by a Hero who only has training in first aid and at best an EMT.
Yeah, even if the MHA world is progressive to allow women and won't put them down them for reasonable goals such as helping family and bringing that family to a Hawaiian vacation and have an FTM Hero as well as open opportunities - disregarding quirk discrimination. I'm talking about POC and LGBTQ here. - in both villain and hero communities, I won't live there until the Heroes and Villains are reformed.
Seriously, I'd rather live in reformed Vongola and World Government than I would MHA right now.
Seriously, if you want to pick a fictional world to live in happily - like retirement happy, I'll choose the Pokeani or Pokemon world. Aside from the Legendary Pokemon's garnering of their elements, I'll be happy tending to Pokemon in a Daycare or training and spoiling my Pokemon. I'll also be a happy camper about researching legends and myths.
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