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...It's not complete yet. Maybe never, but it needs to be read.
This comic was the reason I even approach the idea of Jojo McDodd and Cindy Lou Who together...regardless of not meeting each other.
Written and drawn by ButterscotchWM, it tells the love story of the aforementioned couple in rom-com fashion taking place after the speck incident. A new student has recently transferred in Whoville High and caught the attention of Jojo's best friend, Adin (I just love this guy). Trying to get closer to the girl of his dreams, Adin also signed up for the Drama Club's new musical I Dare You to Move. Dragged into the fray, Jojo won one of the roles and Cindy, his opposite. As the story progresses, they fell in love. Though there are hiccups along the way in the form of Briana, the Queen B-word of the high school.
It's not the best but better than most stories out there. At least, it has a constructed story. Sure there are some stereotypes (Briana and possibly Cindy), but they have enough to distinguish themselves from the typical.
It's a boy meets girl story but it's a fresh air from OC X Jojo. Sorta. It's predictable but not by far of all rom-com-like fanfiction I read.
Still, I recommend just seeing the tsundere Jojo. I am ambivalent of tsunderes (I admit I am a tsundere in real life but you know how much tropes are deconstructed).
The Official Soundtrack (OST) as seen in the author's journal: (The Jesse McCartney Songs are expected)
- In Too Deep - Sum 41
- I'm with You - Avril Lavigne
- Just So You Know - Jesse McCartney
- Drops of Jupiter - Train
- Sooner or Later - Breaking Benjamin
- Can't Let You Go - Jesse McCartney
- Moves - Alien Ant Farm
- Ladies and Gentlemen - Saliva
- Falling Down - Atreyu
- Break My Fall - Breaking Benjamin
- Invincible - Jesse McCartney
- What I've Done - Linkin Park
- No More Love - Shinedown
- Never Too Late - Three Days Grace
- The Reason - Hoobastank (Cringingly bad song in my opinion)
- I Dare You To Move - Switchfoot
Due to how long comic needs to be drawn, the author decided to just tell you out right.
"To "I Dare You to Move"....And Rodger and Hammerstein's The King and I is a very Disneyfied version of actual events, but even then the book is not reliable either.
Well you know what?... HERE IT IS:
Basically, all the people in the audition sing. Briana's was good, but not as good as Cindy's... JoJo goes last, and after he sings, everyone is completely awestruck by his voice - more importantly, Mr. Hernandez is. So, he assigns the roles, and the play is basically like the King and I(cuz that was the play I was in that my highschool was doing as I was writing this comic.) JoJo doesn't get the main role, but he gets a pretty big role of a young male lover who sings a lot in the play. Cindy beats Briana to the role of the young female lover (much to Briana's disgrace). OH! And Adin was assigned as a stagehand cuz... he sucks
As rehearsals go on, JoJo and Cindy find themselves in a few awkward intimate moments trying to get their roles right. They have to go over their kissing scene a few times O\o... Cindy is experienced and is used to acting and kissing boys on stage. JoJo, however, has never even kissed a girl before, stage or no stage. Therefore, he starts to feel confused about his feelings toward Cindy, and he isn't sure if the rehearsals were real or if they were just... rehearsals..He tries to find some hints from Cindy to see if she really likes him, but is discouraged when he starts to believe that she really doesn't like him, and when Adin continues to flirt with her.
THENN... Adin finally gets a purpose in the story. Whoville High has a boy's volleyball game against Whyville High (or something...) JoJo and Cindy attend where the game takes place inside the Whoville High gym. The game is close, and Adin starts getting very competitive, especially when the Whyville team starts to show their lack of sportsmanship. After trying to put up with them for some time, Adin finally loses it, and serves the ball so hard that it bounces off the ceiling, around the gym, and breaks a bunch of stuff... Enough to where the gym needs to go back under construction. O.o (dont ask how, I think I was on something when I thought of that...)
So, Adin goes to court and has to pay for the damage he's done to the gym. But the worse part is... The Whoville High Winter Ball is coming up, and since the gym is destroyed, there's nowhere to host the dance.
This is where the evil Briana comes in... She absolutely hates Cindy for stealing her role (and therefore, she also hates JoJo..). So, she uses Adin's fuck-up and the unknown location to the Winter Ball as a way to get revenge on the two... One day, she stalks JoJo and Cindy (I forget why, but I'm SURE I HAD A GOOD REASON...) and she watches them make their way up to the abandoned observatory, where JoJo shows her what he does in his spare time... Briana realizes that the place is important to him. Therefore, she tells the school that the "abandoned observatory" is the perfect place to hold the Winter Ball while the gym is under construction!
And on top of that, she hires these two evil, bulky, perverted, football-playing "henchmen" of hers to "kidnap" Cindy and hide her when she comes to the dance. JoJo decides that he doesn't want to go to the dance, but isn't aware that it's taking place in his observatory. When he goes up there, he discovers the party and is... well... THOROUGHLY PISSED. He finds Adin, who says that he tried to tell him sooner, but since his incident at the volleyball game, he got his phone taken away, so he couldn't tell him. He also tells JoJo that he witnessed Cindy being kidnapped by Briana's "henchmen." JoJo turns from extremely pissed to being BAT-SHIT-CRAZY pissed, plus terrified for Cindy.
*sigh*.... Soooo... in a supposedly horrific and epic climax of the story, JoJo, Adin, Cindy, and the "henchmen" are in an action-packed scene where the good guys win and the bad guys lose... JoJo saves Cindy while Adin distracts the "henchmen." It is then when Cindy reveals her true feelings for JoJo and kisses him... in a real kiss... Yyeeaa...
I also had this scene in my head of JoJo using his contraptions in the observatory to blow out the speakers of the music playing for the Winter Ball and breaking everyone's eardrums while they run outside screaming..Idk...
But anyways, they have the stupid play and.... JoJo and Cindy are 2GETHER 4EVER now... and yeahTHUH-END!!
That pretty much sums up what I was gonna write/draw about a year ago...... Sorry I didn't finish it... But I REALLY reallly really really really really really really really really really REEEAAAALLLLYYYY do think it suckz >.< Plus I'm over hhaw now
sadly enough for some of you..... sorry...
Hope this somewhat satisfied you"
- ButterscotchWM's Deviant Art Journal, November 8, 2009
Watch Nostalgia Critic's review.
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